Puck Drills & Quick Thrills (CU Hockey 5) - Page 28

I smile. “Really?”

“I’m glad I went because I think I would have always wondered, but I realize no matter what I do with my life—I could become the damn president—they will never see me as anything more than the scrawny gay kid they loved to kick the shit out of. I don’t need them to be impressed when I’m the one who needs to live my life. And I love my life. I love being a professor. I kind of wish more students liked my class or were passionate about it, but it’s hard to ask that of math.”

“In your defense, math is shit.”

Jasper shakes his head. “I can’t believe I had sex with someone who hates math.”

“I also hate English, if that’s any consolation.”

“It’s not. Thanks. What was your favorite subject in school?”


He gives me a derisive look.

“Okay, fine. I liked my health and physical education classes I took at CU. Coaching was always my backup.”

“You went to CU?”

“Yep. Jock have brain even though he not use it.”

“Mmm, talk caveman to me.”

“Want me to club you over the back of your head and drag you into my den?”

Jasper smiles. “A den with five children and my most troubled student? Probably not a great idea.”

I flop back onto my pillow. “Gah, you’ve found my one boner-killer.”


I sigh. “All good. If we’re not going to the brunch though, I better get back. Responsibility sucks.”

Jasper stands, and his gym-made muscles are put on display for me to drink in. That only makes me whine because I can’t run my tongue over them the way I want to.

There isn’t enough time in the world for me to worship Jasper the way he deserves it.

“Don’t look at me like that, or you’ll never get home.”

Sounds perfect to me, I almost say, and then my chest lurches.

Ah, guilt, my old friend. You’ve returned.



Dave: So how was it?

I stare at his question for so long that a stream of question marks fills my screen. I’m still not sure I want to let anyone in on what happened with me and West. Sure, Dave’s question had to do with the reunion, but I know it won’t take long before he turns his attention to my very hot date.

A quick hookup was exactly what I needed. I can’t stop flashing back to that moment, when I was sinking inside him. It was like his body was made to take my cock. And despite everything that happened, my one regret had nothing to do with the reunion and everything to do with not having a repeat before we left.

Me: It was fine.

Dave: Uh-oh. Hesitation followed by fine? It’s worse than I thought. Need to play hooky today?

Me: Does anyone actually use that phrase anymore?

Dave: First of all, screw you. Second, don’t play the age card. You might be a sexy beast on the outside, but you’re a crotchety fuck yelling at kids to get off your lawn on the inside.

Me: Someone feeling sensitive?

Dave: Greg found a gray hair.

Me: Other than that massive patch at the back of your head?

Dave: It wasn’t on my head …


No reply immediately comes, which means either a student showed up, or—

My office door swings open, and Dave stalks inside. “You’re deflecting.”

“From what?”

Dave isn’t buying it. He closes my door behind him before dropping into the chair across from me. I almost laugh at his sympathetic expression. “Were they still dicks?”

“Well, yes, but—”

“Fuck. I knew it. Stupid little shits who can’t move on from high school.”

“You knew it?” I lift my eyebrows. “And yet you pushed for me to go anyway.”

“I’m sorry. I hoped it would go differently.”

Different is one way to describe the weekend. Dave looks so pathetically guilty, though, that I lean forward and lower my voice. “I’m glad I went.”

“Come again?”

“It might not have gone well, but I got closure, which is what I needed.”

“So … you’re okay.”


He eyes me. “What am I missing?”

“I realized I didn’t need their validation. I actually pity them.” I hesitate but can’t hold it in any longer. “Or it could be that West showed them all up, then took me back to the hotel, where I fucked him into the bed.”

Dave’s jaw actually drops. “One moment.”

I watch as he hurries to pull out his phone. “What are you doing?”

“Putting Greg on speaker. We’re going to need details.”

I laugh before reaching over and plucking the phone from him and dropping it on the desk. “No details.”

“Are you kidding? One night and you’re laughing? You can’t keep that magic from me, boo.”

“Don’t say boo. Don’t refer to sex as magic. It was a hookup. I’ve had plenty of those.” And yet this one is sitting vivid in my memories. His cut body, his long dick, the way he was totally open to me taking the lead, and the way I’d lain awake the next morning, his body flush with mine, heartbeat drumming under my palm and hairy thighs brushing my own.

Tags: Eden Finley CU Hockey M-M Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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