Just One Chance (The Kingston Family 3) - Page 40

“Like this?” He pushed that finger back in and brushed the sensitive spot inside her that had her seeing stars.

She whimpered. “Still not enough.”

“Fuck.” He swung one leg over her and positioning himself between her thighs and, without warning, thrust in deep.

“Yes,” she said on a hiss, feeling his thickness everywhere.

He began to move, pumping his hips, taking her hard, and she loved it. Needed it. Because it was Xander and together they were magic. She wrapped her legs around his waist and raised her hips, welcoming every thrust.

She tried to watch him. His jaw was tight, his dark eyes gleaming as they came together over and over. Once again he found that spot, and she climbed higher, so close to coming. Garbled sounds left her throat, noises and words she didn’t recognize escaping.

“That’s it, sunshine. Come and I’ll follow you right over.” She caught a glimpse of his handsome face, and then the wave came and she shut her eyes, the force of her orgasm sweeping her out of reality and into some alternate place where all she could do was feel.

As the waves began to recede, she opened her eyes. Xander’s hips thrust once, twice, and he let out a loud groan as he found his release. To her shock, ripples of another, smaller orgasm rolled over her, leaving her utterly spent.

Xander collapsed on top of her and she didn’t care that she couldn’t breathe. Apparently he did, because he rolled, taking her with him. She ended up on top, his cock still semi-inside her.

As his hand tangled in her hair, she thought about their earlier talk. She considered her life and wondered what she really wanted. Was the dissatisfaction she’d felt with her career upon coming to New York tied to acting? Did she want to take it easy? Or walk away completely?

One day into filming and she was enjoying her role. But she didn’t like needing a bodyguard around all the time or men thinking she belonged to them threatening her. Then there was the invasion of privacy any time someone recognized her. At times it was fun but mostly it left her feeling empty after. Which was odd, wasn’t it?

The only thing that felt good and real right now was the man beneath her.

Everything was mixed up and tangled inside her mind. She sighed. Breathing in his heady masculine scent, she wished this moment could last forever. That they could last.

Knowing it couldn’t, something he’d made very clear, she rested her head on his shoulder and hid the tears that threatened to leak from her eyes.

Chapter Eight

Almost a full week of filming had passed with no stalker incidents. Tomorrow, Friday, was the last day at the mansion. They’d pick up next week in a studio in Queens. Security was tight, and a bodyguard stood in front of Sasha’s dressing room door at all times. Though Alpha Security had run background checks on anyone with access to the set and who’d signed in on Monday, no red flags turned up. A handful of people had worked on sets with Sasha before, and Alpha Security was focusing on those individuals because they’d obviously met or seen her in the past. Clearly her stalker had issues, and someone mentally ill could interpret any innocent smile or look the wrong way and assume Sasha was meant to be with him.

Xander had come from a quick meeting with Isaac, discussing the actor playing Steele and his reactions on screen. The director was going to talk to Adrian Hoffman about his over-the-top emotions on screen. Sasha and Adrian, a.k.a. Amanda and Steele, were doing a slow dance toward a new relationship. Steele wasn’t certain he could trust the blond woman who’d shown up seemingly out of nowhere to work with him, but he needed to kiss her as a distraction.

Since they filmed out of sequence, the first kiss was up next. Hands clenched, Xander returned to set and saw Sasha and her co-star huddled together in the corner.

He wouldn’t lie and say it was easy seeing her with another man, even for her job. But when the filming began, Xander distanced himself emotionally, and the only people he saw were the characters he’d written and an explosively hot kiss that would thrill … and piss off movie-goers who had been attached to Steele’s wife.

And though he’d like to say the experience showed him he could handle her life better now, all it served to do was prove to him how gifted she was and reaffirmed what he’d told her the night they’d talked. She was going places and he wouldn’t hold her back.

Hours later, they were in her dressing room at the end of the day when her cell rang. She eyed it, a frustrated look on her face. She hit a button and didn’t accept the call.

Tags: Carly Phillips The Kingston Family Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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