The Boss (Men of Hidden Justice 1) - Page 32

“All I can smell is cookies.”

“I made your favorites. A little birdie gave me the lowdown.”

He peeked into the containers with a grin. “Marcus?”


He laughed and grabbed a few, munching away happily. I poured him a coffee, and he sat down and sipped, looking thoughtful.

“You also went to the mall earlier.”

“I needed a couple of things. I was quick.”

He sighed. “I’m not upset. I don’t want you to feel like a prisoner, but I want to be cautious.”

“I know.” I hesitated. “Do Roza and Lila have, ah, protection?”

“Both Roza and Lila carry guns and know how to defend themselves.”

“Oh. And Gianna?”

“Gianna never leaves the property without Vince, Marcus, or me. Ever. That’s her choice, by the way. After what happened to her, she is unable to bear the thought of being out in the world on her own.”

“So, should I carry a gun?”

The cookie he was eating stopped midway to his mouth, and he grimaced. “I’m not comfortable with the thought of you having a gun. Unless you’ve had training in firearms?”

“No. Maybe some martial arts training would make you feel better—I could take someone down?”

“Take someone down?” he repeated, his lips quirking.

I nodded. “Or self-defense courses?”

He groaned and stood. “Can we discuss this at another date?” He studied me. “Are you so anxious to get away from me already you need to escape, no matter what?”

I stepped close, cupping his face. “No. I simply don’t want to be a burden. I hate to think if we run out of milk, I need to drag Marcus away from his work.”

“For now, that is how it has to be.” He chuckled. “Besides, I believe you have a fan in Marcus.” He shook his head. “My hardened right-hand adores you, I think. You weave your spell and entrap us all, Evie.”

“I only want to entrap you.”

“You have. For the first time ever, I cannot concentrate on my responsibilities. It’s as if I can sense where you are in the house, and I want to be with you.”

“Matteo,” I breathed out.

He cupped my face, kissing me hard. “My temptress, my wife.”

I leaned into his embrace, feeling content.

He stood back, brushing off his pants. “I must leave you, but I look forward to dinner.”


He nodded. “Eight o’clock.” He reached for another handful of cookies. “These will keep me going until then.”

He left the kitchen, his absence making the room seem foreign and empty once more.

I shook my head at my thoughts. I only had to get used to my new surroundings.

I was certain it would feel like home soon.

It had to.

The next morning, I woke to find Matteo gone, but on his pillow was a small box. I sat up, opening it to find a stunning pair of diamond earrings. Simple studs, not too large, but beautiful. I slipped them in, looking at my reflection in the mirror. I hardly recognized myself. My hair was a mass of different colors, some due to the skill of the hairdresser Matteo arranged to come see me, some from the time in the sun. My skin glowed, and the exhaustion I had lived with so long faded from under my eyes. The diamonds I wore glittered at my ears and on my finger. As simple as the clothes I wore looked, I was certain they cost a fortune.

Donning my swimsuit, I headed downstairs. In the pool, I swam some laps, enjoying the exercise and the way the water felt flowing over my body. I noticed the noodles and the new floating lounger waiting in the corner and spent a little while relaxing in it as I thought about what to do today. I had never been in a position to do nothing before. I went to school, I worked, then I looked after my dad and, finally, Blaine, who had never-ending lists of chores for me every day. Now I had all the time in the world, and I wasn’t sure how to fill it.

Eventually, I got out, dried off, and headed upstairs. I showered and dressed, then went to the kitchen. I made coffee and poured a cup, sitting at the desk and perusing the new machine. I checked my account on the recipe site, pleased to see all the files I had saved over the years. I printed one for pasta e fagioli soup, deciding that would make an easy dinner later. Remembering I had bought yeast yesterday, I spent some time making a batch of bread, thinking that would go well with the soup.

Restless and unable to settle, I headed to the great room and looked out at the sky. Overhead, it was sunny, although there were some clouds on the horizon. I opened the door and headed outside, walking around the gardens. I knew he would rather I have Marcus with me when I went outside, but it seemed unnecessary.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Men of Hidden Justice Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024