The Boss (Men of Hidden Justice 1) - Page 38


“Gianna went to the convenience store to get us a treat. She was walking home when they grabbed her. She was fourteen. Taken away because she was alone, beautiful, and no one was watching,” he bit out, his voice frosty. “I will not allow that to happen again.”

“I–I’m sorry,” I whispered, hearing the anguish in his voice and understanding his fear more now.

“I have work I need to take care of. Your little joyride has cost me considerable time and expense. Neither of which I appreciated.” He walked a wide path around me. “I’ll be in my office until late. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

He walked out, leaving me reeling.

I spent the evening alone, and Matteo never came to our room all night. I assumed he slept in his office. I waited in the morning, hoping he would appear, and when he finally did, he looked as terrible as I felt. He walked in, holding the garment bag containing my dress and one with the shoes and laid it across the chair. Before he got to the bathroom, I spoke.

“Do I need those anymore?”

“Unless you don’t want to accompany me to the dinner,” he replied, not looking at me as he pulled off his clothes.

“Matteo, I’m sorry. For interrupting your work, making you come and get me. For worrying you.”

He stalked closer. “I don’t give a shit about my work or the interruption. What were you thinking, Evie? You broke the one promise I asked of you. How can I trust you?”

“I didn’t set out to do that.”

“Explain yourself.”

I sighed. “I just wanted to pick out my own dress, Matteo. For months, I was told by Blaine what to wear, when to wear it, how to style my hair. Everything. I wanted to pick what I wore. Have a pedicure. That was all I planned.” I wiped a hand over my weary eyes. “I knew you wouldn’t be happy about Lila not being with us, but it felt silly not to go because of it.”

“And then?”

“When Roza got the call, I truly meant to call Geo and go home. But then I discovered I had left my phone at home.” I met his frosty glare. “I’m still not used to having one.”

He pursed his lips but let me continue.

“Once my pedicure was done, I thought a little more time wouldn’t matter. And then, frankly, I just forgot.”

“You forgot,” he repeated, sounding incredulous.

“Yes. I was picking things I liked. Enjoying being able to wander and look. Touch things. Try them on. I forgot everything but the simple womanly joy of shopping for something pretty. Picking up a gift for my husband.” I shrugged. “As crazy as it sounds, I lost track of time.”

Something strange passed over his face. His lips twisted, and he headed back to the bathroom.

“I hope it was worth it.”


I drained my cup of coffee, reaching for the pot I’d had Marcus bring into the office for yet another cup. I glanced at my watch, seeing it was barely noon. It was going to be a long day. I stared at the papers in front of me, all the facts my team had been amassing on the current situation at my fingertips. I rubbed a hand over my eyes and brought my attention back into focus. I realized the room was silent, and I looked up, meeting the expectant faces of my men. They were obviously waiting for me to say something.

The anger that had been slowly simmering under my skin bubbled. “I missed that. Repeat yourself,” I barked.

Damien, one of the younger crew, frowned. “I said it is going to be difficult to choose the right entry point. The security is so tight, if we choose the wrong one, everyone else will be alerted to our presence, and the mission will be blown.”

“It’s your job to make sure that doesn’t happen,” I snapped.

He grimaced. “Are you not listening, Matteo? Did you not read the report I gave you?” He flipped his hand in impatience. “Where the fuck are you today because you’re certainly not with us on this.”

The bubbling became a raging fire spreading its tendrils through my body.

“I beg your pardon?” I snapped.

“Enough, Damien,” Marcus warned. “I think we should reconvene tomorrow.”

“No,” Damien sneered. “If any of us were this distracted, Matteo would have our balls. Or is that it, Matteo?” He focused on me. “Your new wife has your balls in such an uproar, you’re no longer effective as our leader?”

I had to grip the edge of the table to stop myself from lunging at him. “What did you say?”

“You heard me. You pick up a piece of tail at the warehouse and, of all things, marry her, and now she leads you around by your cock. Maybe you need another trip to the mall with her. She—”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Men of Hidden Justice Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024