The Boss (Men of Hidden Justice 1) - Page 49

“It’s a reminder for you of our honeymoon. I had the stone polished, so it looks the way it did in the water, and the jeweler smoothed out the edges of the shell.” He stood and fastened the delicate chain around my neck, pressing a kiss to the nape, then sat back down. “You can think of happier times when you wear it.”

“It’s perfect. Thank you.” I touched the cool metal. “I didn’t get you anything. I wanted to make you your favorite dinner.”

“May I have a do-over?”

“Yes. Tonight?”

He shook his head, looking regretful. “Saturday. I promise you, Saturday night and Sunday, you have me.”

“All right. I can live with that.”

He drained his mug and stood. “I’ll see you later then, my wife.” He kissed me, his mouth lingering. “Thank you.”

I watched him walk away, his shoulders held back and broad. Although still tense, he wasn’t as beaten down. He was strong and sure.

I was determined to make sure he remained that way.

He liked it when I did things he didn’t expect. He’d been thrilled when he found out I had made the effort to reach out to Gianna. He loved it when I initiated our lovemaking. He’d even admitted he liked my anger.

“It is rare anyone talks back to me,” he’d admitted. “For my tiny slip of a wife to challenge me—” he grinned “—frankly, it turns me on.”

I stood, a plan forming. I had no doubt, even if he had good intentions, as soon as he was back behind his desk, he would forget about what I had said. Forget about eating or looking after himself. Forget I was here and wanting to help him.

I decided I wouldn’t allow him to forget.

Around nine o’clock, I walked down the hall, carrying a tray. I had sent a sandwich with Marcus earlier in the day, and the plate had been returned empty, so I knew Matteo had eaten. But a sandwich wasn’t enough to keep him going. I took a deep breath as I approached the door, which stood ajar. I heard voices, papers rustling, keyboards being used, and I paused, waiting until I could pick out the timbre of Matteo’s voice.

“We have everything we need now. We need to move quickly before he slips through our fingers again. He is getting more out of control.”

“Which gave us our break.” I heard Vince speak.

“Yes,” Matteo replied. “We move in three days. Everything will be in place. We end this—and him.” He paused. “I look forward to extinguishing all of it.”

There were murmured approvals as I shivered at the tone of his voice. But this was the right time for me to interrupt.

I raised my hand and knocked loudly. The door flung open, and Marcus looked at me, startled. “Evie? Is there a problem?”

“Yes.” Hiding my nerves, I walked into the office, knowing half a dozen pairs of eyes were on me, none more intense and curious than my husband’s.

“Gentlemen, in the kitchen, you will find a pot of stew and freshly baked bread. The table is set, and you can help yourself to food.”

No one moved.

I cleared my throat. “I have dinner for my husband, and I must insist he eat. That you all eat. You need your strength.”

All eyes went to Matteo. He stared at me, one finger running over his bottom lip, reminding me of the night he had found me. He stood unhurriedly, unfurling his body from his chair.

“My wife’s cooking is not to be missed. Go and eat. I will let you know when you can return.”

They nodded and left, their quiet thanks a hum in the air. Marcus was the last one out, shutting the door behind him.

Knowing Matteo wanted me shielded, I chose a sofa in the corner of his large office, away from the computers and files scattered around. I sat down, setting the tray on the table. “I have your dinner. Please eat.”

He sat beside me, and I handed him the steaming bowl. He settled back, draping a napkin over his lap. I tried not to gawk at how incredibly sexy he looked, but it was impossible not to notice. He had his shirt sleeves rolled up, showing his toned forearms, the tie loosened with the top two buttons of his shirt undone. His hair was a mess, meaning he had run his fingers through it repeatedly. He met my gaze, smirking at me.

“Like what you see, my wife?”

“Very much.”

His smile returned, letting me know he was pleased.

He tried a mouthful, chewing slowly, savoring the taste. I picked up my smaller bowl, tucking my leg under me and taking a mouthful. Matteo didn’t speak for a while, but he hadn’t thrown me out either. He ate steadily for a few minutes, then cleared his throat.

“This is delicious.”

“Thank you.”

“Unexpected, but delicious.”

I lifted my gaze, meeting his eyes. I wasn’t sure how he would react to my unanticipated move, but I was pleased to see a teasing glint in his stare. I knew he had to be hungry and tired by now.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Men of Hidden Justice Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024