The Boss (Men of Hidden Justice 1) - Page 51

I stroked the back of his neck. “Good.”

He pulled his tie off my eyes, and blinking, I met his gaze. The darkness that had lurked earlier was gone, and he looked relaxed.

“You have no idea how much I needed that. Needed you.”

I smiled shyly. “Glad I helped.”

“I think I’ll send my men home. We can reconvene in the morning.”

“You don’t have to—”

He silenced me with his mouth. “But I do. I’m not finished with you yet. Not by a long shot. I’m taking you upstairs.”

“Well then, by all means, send them home.”

We separated and dressed, exchanging grins and long glances.

He picked up the tray. “You go and run a bath. I’ll dismiss them and be up to join you shortly.”

“The kitchen…”

“I assure you, once they tasted your stew, they devoured everything you had made, and knowing Marcus, the kitchen has been tidied.” He looked at his watch with a chuckle. “It wouldn’t surprise me if I found they were already gone.”

“They would do that?”

He caressed my cheek. “Evie, we’re men. I have never taken a supper break. The first time I ever took a lunch break was because of you. I think, given the length of time I’ve had the door shut, they figured it out, and Marcus would have told them to leave.”

My cheeks flushed, and Matteo smirked.

“Don’t be embarrassed. Hold your head up and show them who you are.” He lifted my hand to his lips. “My everything, my brave wife.”

I contemplated his words, then swept past him and up the stairs. His low laughter followed me until I rounded the corner on the top landing, then I began to giggle.

I hurried to our room and began to prepare the bath, already anticipating his arrival.

Chapter Fifteen


Matteo glanced at me over his cup of coffee, his gaze indulgent. He looked rested, despite keeping me up late. Some of the tension had disappeared around his eyes, although I knew it would build again.

“I thought I would go see Mrs. Armstrong this afternoon and do some grocery shopping.”

A slight frown creased his forehead. “Can you do it next week?”

“You mean after you get home?”

His frown grew.

“I heard you last night, Matteo. I know you’re going away.” I drew in a deep breath. “When you come back this awful case that is upsetting you so much will be over.”

For a moment, he said nothing then he nodded. “The final pieces have fallen into place, and we’re ready to move.” He passed a hand over his head. “He’s been on my radar for a while, but he is good at escaping and hiding.”

“Is it terrible?” I asked.

He took my hand. “It’s the worst thing I’ve ever seen, Evie. Don’t ask me for details—I can’t share those with you. This man is a narcissist, a sociopath, and a psychopath rolled into one. I have never seen anything like it. I’m not sure I would even call him human.”

I shivered at his words. “Then you need to do this.”

“Yes. He needs to be wiped from the face of this earth. Him and every part of his organization.”

I nodded. “How long will you be gone?”

“Two or three days.” He looked at our clasped hands. “I need you to stay home while I’m gone, Evie. Since Vince, Marcus, and Alex are coming with me, Roza will stay here in the main house with Gianna. Geo and Lila will also.”

“All right.”

He nodded. “Go see Mrs. Armstrong and do your shopping. But then come home immediately.”

I didn’t argue. “I will.”

“When this is done, Evie, I want to go away again. Just get away from all this…” He paused. “Violence.”

“Back to your island?”

“Our island,” he corrected gently. “What is mine is yours now. And yes, there, or if there’s somewhere else you’d like to go, I would take you there.”

“Matteo, I want to be wherever you are.”

He regarded me in silence. “I often wondered what it would be like to have peace. You bring me that peace, Evie. In your presence, I find that. It is a gift I cannot fully explain.”

His words brought tears to my eyes.

“There is no justice to be sought,” he continued. “No blood shed. No pain or vengeance to extract.” He sighed. “For the first time since I made my decision to join this fight, I see the end.”

“What do you see at the end?” I asked.

He played with my fingers. “I see us. Living a quiet life somewhere, leaving all this behind.” He frowned. “Would you like that?”


He stood. “Good. Now do your errands and come home to me.”

He strode from the kitchen, and I finished my coffee. His reflections had shown me a future different from what I had feared. Different from what I pictured.

A future I hoped would come true soon.

I relaxed in the tub, the steam swirling around me. The sound of our bedroom door opening made me sit up. Matteo’s tired face appeared around the door.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Men of Hidden Justice Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024