Havoc (Tattoos and Ties 1) - Page 76

Alec pushed up slightly to stare him in the eyes. “You’re grinning like a cat that ate the canary. Wanna share?”

He loved the way Alec looked at him—one glimpse of that easy smile and he melted. “I’m happy. Even with all the crap going on in my life, I’m fucking happy right now. I wish we could stay like this,” Keyes confessed, and Alec shifted his weight.

He cradled Keyes’s face in his palms, keeping him from dropping eye contact. “I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.” Alec’s lips pressed against his in the sweetest of kisses. He groaned as Alec’s softening cock slipped from his body.

His lover pressed a kiss to his forehead then moved off him, rolling from the bed. “Don’t move. Gotta grab a towel. I’ll be right back, babe.”

He didn’t think he could move even if he tried. His body was as heavy as lead. A big smile tugged at the corners of his lips for a second time in less than a minute. Yeah, he would definitely be doing this again just as soon as his ass recovered. Alec was amazing.

“Are you awake?” Alec whispered, his fingertips trailing up and down Keyes’s back. The sound of Alec’s voice pulled Keyes from his sleepy drifting and back to his lover. It had to be three or four o’clock in the morning. He hadn’t wanted to sleep or miss one single moment, but the bed was too damn relaxing, the covers soft and inviting, Alec’s chest the perfect pillow.

“Yes,” he finally answered, keeping his eyes closed. Alec’s fingertips went to the ends of his hair, toying with the strands. Damn, he loved that move. He was so comfortable, felt so fucking amazing wrapped in Alec’s arms.

“I’m glad you came back,” Alec said, his voice husky and growly now. So sexy, but he had to be fighting sleep too, just like him.

“Mmm,” Keyes murmured, kissing the expanse of warm skin near his lips.

“Wake me before you leave.”

“I will,” he agreed and closed his eyes.

“If you don’t call me, I’m calling you.”

“Good,” Keyes muttered, adjusting his position, moving just enough to wrap himself more completely around Alec. “Are you comfortable like this?”

“Very. Good night.”

“Mmm,” Keyes managed, allowing sleep to take him under.

Four weeks later

“You talk allot,” Key texted, making Alec smile. True to Key’s word, the guy had been texting and talking by phone with Alec every single day. They hadn’t increased their weekly visits. That had stayed the same—Friday evening into Saturday morning—but the communication helped the long week between go by a little faster. It also helped with all the extra hours he put in with the caseload from hell he had been assigned in the CPS division.

Within seconds, Alec got another message, “I mean a loy.”

Then another, “Fucker. A LOT.”

Alec barked out a laugh when Key had to type so many extra words just to clarify his short, simple sentences. It tickled Alec to no end, knowing his big biker guy was most certainly verbalizing a hearty string of curse words every time he texted and messed up the spelling.

Alec simply texted back, “This qualifies as texting. No talking at all.”

“Same thing. Hate texting. My fungers are too big.”

Alec sat back in his chair, phone in hand, and grinned at the screen. That mistake would require several more texts to correct.


Alec laughed, imagining the newest round of foul language Key spewed over that last mistake. He certainly hoped no one was around. He’d only seen Key in full-on biker mode one time. His guy had paced his back driveway from garage to fence, walking the length of his house. Key spoke on the phone to a club member while Alec watched from the kitchen window. Much like the Key he’d first met, he’d been silent through the call, not saying one single word as he kept his head bent, listening to the caller. The only thing that had come out of the biker’s mouth was at the end of the call when he let fly some of the dirtiest language Alec had ever heard in his life, loud enough to be heard through the closed windows of his home. Alec had gotten so turned on, he had dropped to his knees and sucked Key the second he’d stepped through the back door. Apparently, he really liked a filthy mouth. Who would have known?

Alec looked down at the vibrating phone in his hand and laughed out loud at the next text he received. It seemed Key must be reading his thoughts. Alec read each word out loud. “Motherfucking piece of shit.”

“You spelled all those words correctly. It’s an accomplishment in itself. What do you want for dinner tomorrow?” Alec asked, moving the conversation along. He loved talking to Key, but he had more than he could do, and clearly, the work wasn’t going to do itself.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Tattoos and Ties Duet Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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