Quadruple Duty: All or Nothing - Page 49

Every time his mother’s withering gaze swung my way, I smiled and nodded back politely. By the time the main course arrived, I was determined to kill her with kindness. I raved about her home, the food, and about how delicious everything smelled and tasted. When we were done eating I swept up our plates before she could do it herself, scraping them into the garbage and bringing them to the sink.

Conversation during dinner was tense at best, but the one subject I could talk about with total impunity was Dakota himself. I asked about all the photos hung about the house — pictures of Dakota and his brothers through various stages of childhood. His mother spoke happily during those times, recalling tales and stories that were as eye-opening as they were hilarious. And she did it all with the biggest, most genuine smile on her face… and without a hint of sarcasm thrown in my direction.

I made some headway with his father too. We had a few little side conversations while his mother was busy with my fiancé, talking mostly about the farm, how it had changed over the years, and even the construction of the house itself. Dakota’s father was an almost professional handyman, and he’d built one of the barns out back from scratch. He seemed to appreciate my work very much, and was interested in what I was doing with Modern Vintage.

Of course, whenever his mother noticed us getting along too well she put a stop to it. Usually with a quick, annoyed glance at her husband, or even me.

By the end of the night I could tell they were tired, and I tapped Dakota’s leg beneath the table indicating I was looking to escape. Ten minutes later we were back in the truck, driving south to Kingsley, holding hands and interlocking our fingers like two fleeing teenagers who’d been under the scrutiny of parents all night long.

“You were a rock star,” he told me, kissing the back of my hand. “Thank you, darlin’. I know that wasn’t easy.”

“Don’t thank me yet,” I smiled. “We’re spending a few days here, remember? Your mother and I still have plenty of time to get into a knock-down, drag-out, hair-pulling fight.”

He laughed, but there was a nervousness there too. “You did great,” he said. “Better than great. Really.”

‘Great’ wasn’t exactly the term I’d use, but I’d definitely shown restraint. I hadn’t felt a connection though. His mother seemed to dislike me as much when I left as the moment I’d first arrived.

Then again, I knew any relationship between us would take time. This woman had raised Dakota and then lost him to the Army — he was the only one of her sons who’d actually gone far away from home. He’d done it mostly to get out of Iowa. To see the world, to do more fantastic things than he could accomplish on and around the Bradley family farm.

Yet Dakota was her baby. Her last-born. And as most mothers eventually did, she’d lost her son to a new woman; a future wife, a future life. That part she’d seen before, four other times already.

Yet a life with me — not to mention Kyle, Ryan, and Jason — was wholly different. It seemed totally confusing and uncertain to her. Unorthodox at best.

I tried imagining what it would be like if I had a son of my own, and suddenly I could understand the resentment on her part. Some of it anyway.

“Listen, I know you wanted to stay there,” I said, as our truck pulled into the parking lot of the little bed and breakfast. “But this is for the best.”

He nodded slowly. “I know.”

“Besides,” I said with a wink. “You’ll thank me later.”

Dakota carried our bags up the stairs as I checked us into our room on the top floor. It was a quaint little bedroom with its own master bath. A place that looked cuter — and much bigger — when I booked it online than it did right now.

At least it wasn’t home though. Home without the other three…

I sighed heavily. We still hadn’t heard from Kyle or Ryan, but at least Di Spatia had an idea of where they were. Jason however…

I pushed the others out of my mind again. I’d come here to get away for a while. To take a break from work — and worry — and maybe forge some bonds with Dakota’s family. That wasn’t going to happen if I was sulking and obsessing.

Besides… I had other things to focus on right now.

Far more pleasurable things.

A half hour later we were all settled in, unwinding at the end of a long day. Our room wasn’t all that bad, I’d decided, just a little on the smaller side. And since when did I mind cozy?

“Thanks again for sucking it up today,” Dakota called out from one corner of the bed. I could hear him grunting sexily as he pulled his socks off. “You really were amaz—”

His sentence died abruptly as I emerged from the bathroom. Simultaneously, he dropped what he was doing.

“Funny you should say ‘sucking it up’,” I purred, leaning against the doorway. “I was about to suggest that. And you’re still wearing entirely too many clothes…”

I was dressed in one of his favorite outfits; an electric-blue teddy with a black lace garter belt that rode up high on my hips. A set of snap-on garters were strapped to skin-tight, thigh-high stockings. And above that, a pair of matching lace panties…

Crotchless panties.

“We need some time together,” I said seductively, “you and me.”

I stepped forward, standing tall before him. He didn’t resist as I pushed him back on the bed.

Tags: Krista Wolf Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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