Quadruple Duty: All or Nothing - Page 80


It worried me that we hadn’t seen him, hadn’t heard from him since the desert. Then again, I didn’t expect that to last. Especially after his last words to me.

“I just can’t believe that snake would agree to—”

“Say whatever you want about Markus,” I interrupted quickly. “But remember: if it weren’t for him, three of you wouldn’t even be here.”

The guys went silent, and with good reason. My words were inarguable.

“Here’s to Markus,” said Dakota, holding up his glass. I could barely believe he’d actually done it.

Kyle and Ryan raised their own glasses. Eventually, Jason did too.

“To Markus,” Jason echoed. He downed the rest of his beer, looking at me strangely the whole time. “For now,” he added.



The ride home was a lot different than the ride into the city. Shirts were loose, buttons were undone, jackets and sports coats were long since gone. Even my dress was riding high up on my thighs, hands and lips and fingertips exploring me eagerly as the miles sped by.

I enjoyed being sandwiched between Jason and Ryan in the spacious back seat. Already pleasantly buzzed, I was busy trading deep, soulful kisses to my left and right. Their hands explored every inch of my body, and my own were busy manipulating the significant bulges between their legs.

Honestly, it had been far too long. I’d missed them both terribly, but the sexual tension between all five of us had reached a fever pitch by the time we’d left the restaurant. As we pulled into our driveway, all bets were pretty much off.

“I want time with each of you,” I said dreamily. “I don’t care if you draw straws to see who goes first, as long as I get you all.”

I’d decided beforehand that I wanted them alone. I wanted them in their rooms, to feel grounded again. To feel like each and every one of them were home.

Kyle laughed. “Straws, huh? That would be a new one.”

“I’m serious,” I cooed. “I need you in your beds. In your own rooms. I… I need…”

“We know what you need,” breathed Jason, pulling me helplessly into his strong arms. “And trust us, you’ll get it….”

The door opened, and he carried me into the house, holding me snugly against his chest. He walked confidently past the others and straight up the stairs. “But first let me show what I need,” Jason went on. “What I’ve been waiting for, for way too long.”

He carried me down the hallway, nudging open the door to his bedroom. His shirt was open all the way down to his naval, and my cheek felt warm and wonderful against his skin.

“I need you to know something,” he murmured, standing me up beside the bed. And not just any bed. His bed.

The bed I sadly wondered if I’d ever see again.

“You were with me every moment I was gone,” he said, kissing me. “Every morning Sammara, the very second I woke up. Every night, before I went to sleep…”

Jason sank to his knees. He buried his face against my belly, his hands sliding my dress all the way up my thighs. Nimbly he reversed the motion, rolling my panties down. Then he pushed me back into the softness of the mattress…

… and utterly devoured me.

I went to heaven immediately, letting my whole body go. Losing myself in the feel of his strong hands, his delicate fingers, his hungry mouth. Jason worshiped me orally, tasting and teasing me first before going to town on me with his talented tongue. My head thrashed from side to side as I climaxed in minutes, reaching down to pull his beautiful face into me.

He ravaged me after that, fucking me senseless until the pil

low on either side of my head went wet with tears of joy. I tried screwing my body back against him but the man was starving, and no matter how hard I tried my fury and enthusiasm just couldn’t match his own.

He came like a thunderclap, exploding abruptly inside me. Holding my legs high in the air as he pumped me full of his warm, sticky seed. It seemed to go on forever, as if he were delivering months’ worth of pent up frustration and anger, lust and passion, directly from his balls into my womb.

Oh God, yes.

Tags: Krista Wolf Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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