Mr. Big Love (Mr. Big 2) - Page 56

He opened a file and removed a sheet of paper, placing it in front of me.

It was a notice that I had been removed from her will.

"I honestly don't care," I said and shrugged.

"There's also this," Peter said and placed another sheet of paper in front of me.

It was another notice that I was also no longer the CEO of the board of directors of the foundation founded to allocate my family's fortune to various charities. It provided me with a yearly salary, which was considerable — several million a year.

"Son of a bitch," I said and shook my head. "I should have expected this."

"She's really unhappy with you."

"I guess," I said and put the notice down. "Is there anything else?"

"Isn't that enough?" Peter said. "Those two are worth millions of dollars."

I exhaled and held up my hands in surrender. "I don't want her money. I have my own now."

"You could contest this," he said.

"On what grounds?"

"The reason she's disinheriting you is due to estrangement and the fact that you are independently wealthy. All her money will go to Dana and her children."

I shrugged. "I'm good with that. My sister is divorcing her husband and will be a single mother. I'm sure she could use the money. Maybe she can take over as CEO of the foundation when she's able to work again."

"Okay," Peter said. "We won't contest it. Speaking of divorce, have you given thought to a pre-nuptial agreement with Alexa?"

I made a face, not really wanting to have to think about a prenup, but it was essential.

"Draw up whatever you think is reasonable."

"That's really up to you," Peter said. "I can write up a draft and Alexa's attorney can look it over, make any changes. The two of you have to come up with something you both feel is fair."

“Okay,” I said and remembered my previous prenup that had been negotiated with Jenna’s and my lawyers. It hadn’t included the money from Chatter, because we hadn’t done the deal yet. But the basics were all there. “Use the one Jenna and I had but include the money I earned from the sale of Chatter, and of course, remove any reference to my mother’s money. I know Alexa will be embarrassed to be even talking about my money, but we have to deal with it. If something’s drawn up, I’m sure she’ll be only too glad not to have to think about it.”

“Her lawyer will want her to think about it,” Peter said.

“Make it reasonable, so he doesn’t have to. I don’t plan on getting divorced, but if I do, I want it to be fair.”

We finished discussing matters and I said goodbye, glad to have that out of the way. While managing money was my forte, planning for how your money will be distributed due to divorce wasn’t a pleasant thing to do. I preferred thinking of how to spend it on the space program.

I took the limo service to the office, stopping on the way to get a coffee. John was already

there, busy at work looking over technical details of various rockets used by our future competitors.

“How’s it going?” he asked, looking up from the papers in front of him.

“Well, I spent the last hour with Peter talking about being disinherited from my mother’s fortune,” I said sarcastically, “and drawing up a prenup for my upcoming marriage to Alexa. Pleasant things, you know…”

“Lucky you,” he said and smiled, turning back to the papers. “I’m glad I spent the last hour trying to figure out how rockets work so we can better understand the competition.”

“Soooo much easier than relationships,” I said and sat down beside him at the conference table.

He laughed and we spent the rest of the morning hard at work, the cares of the real world forgotten.

Chapter Nineteen

Tags: S.E. Lund Mr. Big Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024