Mr. Big Love (Mr. Big 2) - Page 67

I couldn’t not tell Dana.

Of all the people in my life, she was the closest outside of Alexa and John. I had to tell John, too, but I told Dana first. While Alexa was on campus, I drove over to Dana’s for a visit. As soon as we were sitting down with a cup of coffee, I told her.

Flat out. “Alexa’s pregnant.”

Her mouth dropped open. “Oh, my God!” She gave me a huge hug and kiss. “Alexa’s pregnant?”

“She is and I have a receipt for a pregnancy test and a box of Dramamine to prove it.”

She covered her heart with a hand. “Your baby will be what – a year old when Jamie is just two and a half years old?”

“Yes,” I said, doing a quick calculation in my head.

“They can play together,” Dana said, staring off into the distance. “I want them to be close. Real friends. Cousins like we never had.”

“They will be,” I said and laughed, glad she was so glad. “We’ll make sure of it. I know Alexa will be happy to have someone else to talk to who has gone through this.”

“How is she? How far along?”

“She’s just a few weeks and has morning sickness.”

“Oh, that’s too bad. I sure know about that. Tell her to drink lots of peppermint tea. That worked for me. Tell her she can have all my maternity tops and pants if she wants. They’re all still in really good shape, and I won’t be using them again. Oh, I can’t wait to talk to her. When will you two come over for a visit? Come over on Sunday and we’ll have Sunday Dinner. Roast beef and roasted potatoes. How does that sound?”

She jumped up and down and waved her hands. “Oh, I’m so happy!”

“We’re going to get married in two weeks,” I said. “At the beach house. We’re going to have a small wedding – just family and friends.”

“Oh, good! Tell Alexa if she wants, I can help her with that, too. How is she handling morning sickness and classes?”

“She’s taking it easy in the mornings, because that’s when she feels sick, but she’s better around noon or so. She’s going to rearrange her schedule, so her classes are in the afternoon.”

“Poor thing,” Alexa said.

We spent the next hour talking about the wedding and baby while I held little Jamie. While Dana talked about all the fun we’d have with our children, I played with him, imagining having my own son or daughter. At that point, I didn’t care what we had as long as it was healthy. Girl, boy – twins. It was all good.

I checked my watch. “Well, I have a meeting now at the office. We’ll come by on Sunday afternoon and spend the evening with you.”

“Okay,” she said and gave me a big hug and kiss. “I’m so happy for you both.”

“We’re happy, too,” I said and squeezed her, kissing little Jamie before I left. It was so nice to know she was as happy as I was.

I’d tell John while I was at the office. I knew he’d be happy as well. He was always really positive about getting married and starting a family. In fact, he couldn’t wait to start his own, but unfortunately, hadn’t found the woman yet.

The limo took me to the office, not far from the old one John used to work from, close to Columbia. I knocked on John’s door and popped my head inside.

“You ready for me?”

John nodded and finished typing something on his computer.

“Come in, have a seat. I’ve been going over my notes before you arrived.” He turned to me after I sat in the chair facing his desk. “So, what’s first on the agenda? The specs from Walter? Or financing?”

“Alexa’s pregnant.”

His mouth opened, his eyes wide. “What?”

I smiled. “Seven weeks, so we really shouldn’t be telling anyone, so keep it quiet for now. I’ve told Dana but no one else besides you. Just in case.”

“Of course,” John said and looked me over, his eyes still wide. “Your mother’s going to freak.”

Tags: S.E. Lund Mr. Big Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024