Mr. Big Daddy (Mr. Big 3) - Page 51

"One bad apple," I replied. "She's a great person. So smart and fun. I'm sure she'll find someone. Don't you have someone good you could match her with? You must know some very eligible bachelors in the space industry."

"None of them are good enough," he said with a laugh. "Bunch of geeks and nerds."

"How did you escape being a nerd? You're a geek, sure, but far from a nerd. Candace says you're Armani handsome."

"Armani handsome?" Luke ran his hand through his hair and struck a serious pose, forming a square with his hands to frame his face in a dramatic fashion. "Like this?"

I punched him playfully on the shoulder, unable to hold back a grin. "Excuse me while I gag."

He leaned back and laughed out loud. "That Candace is a scream. You'll have to tell her I never buy Armani. I only buy bespoke suits from this tailor in the fashion district. My father took me there as a young man for my first suit and I've been going ever since. I like to keep the old guy in business. His family owned the shop for like over a hundred years."

"Probably better than Armani," I said and leaned over to kiss him.

"Much better," Luke replied and kissed me deeply. "Now, forget about your grade and come into the living room with me. We have supper to order. I want fish tacos from The Shack."

I closed my laptop with reluctance, for I wanted to see if he'd write me right back, but Luke was right.

I had to let it go. There was nothing else to do but wait for my professor to respond.

Until then, I had a life to live.

Chapter Twenty-Two


New Year's Eve was a quiet af

fair for Alexa and me. We went to a restaurant in Westhampton and had a nice dinner and then went back to our place to bring in the new year with champagne for me and lime soda for Alexa. We could have gone all out and done the Time's Square New Year's Eve dinner and street party, but I was worried that Blaine was still out there, just waiting for a chance to hurt Alexa or me. Or both of us at the same time.

Plus, there was Eric to worry about. Had he gone off the deep end, and was looking for an opportunity to hurt me or Alexa?

I had spoken to the security company and they told me that it would be risky to take Alexa to the Time's Square party. They couldn't protect us if Blaine or someone wanted to hurt us while in such a public space. Even if they had six bodyguards and an armored vehicle, someone could still slip through and hurt either or both of us if they really wanted.

Whatever the case, there was more than enough reason to have a quiet evening at home with Alexa. We did go out to a local restaurant and had prime rib roast of beef for supper, but once it was finished, we came home around nine.

Alexa was wearing her little black dress that I loved so much, which showed off her ample curves. I put on my best suit and tie. When it was almost midnight, I opened the tiny bottle of Moet & Chandon and poured myself a champagne glass, while pouring a similar glass of lime soda for Alexa. While I could have been a wine snob and ordered a much more expensive champagne for the night, I wasn't and never pretended to be a wine aficionado. I liked draft beer and craft beer, but beyond that, I didn't know much about either wine or spirits.

"Here's to us," I said. "To our second New Year's together. To many more."

"To us." Alexa held up her champagne glass filled with lime soda and we clinked glasses together. I downed mine, and watched as Alexa downed hers, and then I took her glass out of her hand, pulled her into my arms and kissed her passionately.

When I pulled back, I could see that she was forcing a smile she didn't feel, and I knew right away what it was about. It was her grade.

"I'm sorry that you have to face the whole business with your grade," I said, stroking her cheek. "You should have received an A like your supervisor said and you'd be able to be happy tonight instead of anxious about what your prof will say."

"I should have requested an incomplete when I knew the paper wasn't good enough," she said, not meeting my gaze. "I knew it wasn't good enough."

"Shh," I said and kissed her lips, wanting to stop her thoughts. "Let's think of something more exciting, like the ultrasound. We go on Friday. Aren't you excited?"

She smiled for real this time, and nodded. "Of course I am. We can go out for supper after and maybe invite John and Felicia and Candace to come. Maybe Candace's new boyfriend will come as well."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Good try," she said, and I glanced at her, frowning.

"What do you mean?"

"Good attempt to divert me from thoughts about my grade..."

Tags: S.E. Lund Mr. Big Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024