Bad Boy Saint (Bad Boy 1) - Page 27

"Nothing," I said and turned away from her too-probing expression. "Nothing's wrong."

There was no use in talking about it, so I shut it off and tried to be more positive with her. It wasn't her fault her stepfather wanted to ruin my life.

"How about you?" I asked, turning to her. "You're moving out next week. That must be exciting."

I honestly hated to think of her alone at Harvard without either Graham or me to look out for her. We'd been her wingmen for the year as she learned the ropes at Harvard, and now she was moving out of the house and moving into Kirkland House, the most prestigious dorm on campus.

Her big chocolate brown eyes took me in, her thick black lashes clumped and still wet. A light spray of freckles over her nose gave her this totally innocent look, in contrast to those bedroom eyes. She looked so delicious I was afraid I'd get a hard-on just sitting there looking at her.

“I'm excited. There's so much to do, and I'm so glad to be free of Spencer."

I nodded, understanding completely how she must be feeling. "Free at last, am I right? That's actually what Graham was talking to me about."

She narrowed her eyes. “Was he giving you a hard time? Telling you to watch over me?”

“Something like that. He was just worrying about you and all these sharks in these waters.” I gestured to the bar with my chin. "And I mean the human ones, not fish."

"Sharks?" She laughed. "You have to remember, I grew up with Graham and you. I know all about men." She waved me off like I was being foolish, which I most definitely wasn’t. I knew what might be in store for someone as sweet and innocent as her.

“Hey, Celia!” Greg ran up to where we sat, concern on his face. "I'm assigned to be your knight in shining armor and protect you from the likes of him."

He slid in between Celia and me, laying his arm on the bar like he wanted to separate us. In the process, he knocked over my beer, the contents spilling out and splashing all over Celia. She squealed at the cold and jumped up abruptly, foamy beer on her chest and arm.

“For God’s sake.” I pushed Greg out of the way and handed Celia several cocktail napkins, which she used to wipe off her arms.

“Sorry about that.” Greg grabbed a cocktail napkin, trying to wipe the beer off her arm and shoulder.

“It’s okay,” Celia said, her voice soft, pushing Greg’s hands away. “No use crying over spilt beer.” She glanced at me, a grin on her lips.

I thought once again about how damn hot she was. Not only that, but she was wicked smart. Graduated top in her class, tuition scholarship to study at Harvard with the goal of getting into Harvard Law when she finished her undergrad. She was always a brainiac as a kid when I hung out at their place, with dark horn-rimmed glasses and her body hidden behind oversized clothes, her nose in a book. It was still hard to see her without the glasses and in her bikini.

“There’s a shower over there.” I pointed to it. “You could go rinse off.”

“Yeah, great idea,” Greg said, ogling her. Celia ran over to the outside shower and turned it on, hesitantly testing it.

“Oh, man, this is like a fucking dream,” Greg said, standing and watching Celia. He said nothing for a moment as the two of us watched her like hungry dogs studying a bone we both wanted. Then he turned to me, a huge grin on his face. “I know, I know… Down, boy, right?”

“Right,” I said, frowning at him. "I'm sure Graham didn’t think you'd hit on his little sister."

"What he doesn't know won't hurt me," he said.

"He'll know," I said. "Count on it. You even touch her, she’ll probably plow you one. And I’ll tell Graham myself."

"Man, you are such a downer. I think she likes me. In fact, she might even let me plow her." He made this totally lecherous face that made me want to knock him flat, but I held back.

Finally, Celia stood under the stream of water. It must have been cold, because she squealed sweetly, laughing as the spray hit her. She shivered visibly, her arms around herself, squeezing her breasts together, which only made them even more irresistible, her hard little nipples like rosebuds...

“Damn, I may not survive this night,” Greg said, and as much as I hated to admit it, I felt the same way. "Being her guardian…" Then he turned to me. "As for you, Graham doesn't want you within ten feet of her, so get lost."

“Get lost yourself.” I gave Greg my most fearsome expression.

“Seriously, man.” Greg tried to stand up to me. "He told me to keep you away from her."

"She's all grown up and can make her own decisions. As for Graham, we're going our own ways so what the fuck do I care what he wants?"

"I'm only saying." He walked backwards, his hands up. "He wants you to leave her alone."

"All right, all right." I took my beer to a beach chair a few dozen feet away from everyone else and plopped down on it.

Tags: S.E. Lund Bad Boy Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024