Drake Forever (Unrestrained 7) - Page 67

Drake put her in her car seat and after I grabbed some clothes and my laptop and stuffed them into an overnight bag, we all left the apartment.

"Call me and let me know how it all works out," she said when we got to her car, parked a block down the street from our building.

"We will," Drake said. "Thanks for everything, Karen."

"Don't mention it. Take care, you two. I'm so sorry this happened to you."

I waved goodbye and watched her get into her car.

Then we drove off to the Ritz, Sophie asleep in her car seat.

It wasn't the end to the evening I hoped it would be...


We checked into the Ritz Carlton across from Central Park.

I had planned to take Kate there and tie her up, make her orgasm about three times and then sleep in until noon, have breakfast in bed and a long luxurious bath and another fuck before we left and returned to the real world.

That was my plan and my hope for how the night and next day would play out, but it turned out completely different.

Sophie woke up when we got out of the car at the Ritz, and I took her and Kate up to the Premier Suite, which had a beautiful panoramic view from the top floor of the hotel. We got Sophie out of her carrier and tried to put her to sleep, but she was wide awake.

"Sorry to leave you, but I'll be back soon."

I kissed Kate and then gave Sophie a big smooch on the cheek. John and I took his vehicle and drove to the Midtown South precinct to report the threatening message. I met with Detective Gates, who took my statement and checked my cell, reviewing the message I'd received from Monroe. He'd already contacted Monroe's family, and they confirmed the number belonged to him, so we knew then for a fact Monroe had threatened me.

"We'll find him," Gates said, leaning back in his chair once we were finished and I'd signed the complaint. He handed me his card. "If you get any more messages from him or anyone, give me a call."

"Thank you, Detective."

John and I drove back to the Ritz and I thanked John for his professionalism.

"I'm just doing my job, Dr. Morgan," he said and waved me off.

"Well, I appreciate it all the same."

Then I went inside.

Sophia was still up when I arrived back at the suite. She was awake for another hour and after several books and a fresh bottle, she went down around eleven thirty. By then, Kate and I were tired and only wanted to lie together on the sofa and watch the news, the romance of the evening lost to our fears and worries about Monroe and his threat. He was still not in custody when John messaged me just before midnight, so until he was, we decided we'd stay at the Ritz instead of going back to the 8th Avenue apartment.

We had a suite, which was like a home away from home, if a little opulently furnished for my tastes, but it had a dining room, living room and a large bedroom for us and a second bedroom with a crib for Sophie. The suite had a magnificent view of Central Park, and we enjoyed the view of Manhattan at night while we snuggled together on the sofa.

So instead of the sexy night alone with my love, we spent the rest of the night together worrying about Monroe and whether he'd be picked up soon so we could get back to our lives. The man had been charged with my assault weeks earlier, but had been released on bail on the condition he obey the restraining order issued and so as soon as he was picked up again, he'd be in for good until his trial. And he'd be charged with another felony.

That was the only comfort in the situation.

I'd felt somewhat concerned about him after he was le

t out on bail, but I honestly never thought he'd really try and harm me again.

He was truly off the deep end.

"You ready for bed?" Kate asked, yawning. She covered her mouth, trying to hide it, but failing. "I'm not really in any kind of mood for sexy times, I'm afraid."

"Being worried about the threat of physical harm from a crazed relative of the woman who tried to kill you destroying your mood, Mrs. Morgan?"

"Something like that," she said, her tone guilty. "I'm sorry. You've been deprived because of the concussion."

Tags: S.E. Lund Unrestrained Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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