Drake Forever (Unrestrained 7) - Page 70

When I rolled the wet diaper up and was reaching to the trash can beside the bedside table, she wriggled away once more, squealing when I grabbed her and tickled her back into submission.

"You are a wiggle-worm," I said and finally managed to get her diaper on her, with no further wriggles away. I zipped up her onesie and she crawled off the side of the bed while I went to wash my hands. I watched from the bathroom door while she ran out of the bedroom and into the living room where Kate was seated, still eating.

"Hi, baby girl," Kate said, opening her arms for a hug.

Sophie babbled around her pacifier and climbed up on Kate's lap. Kate then happily fed her some yogurt and fruit. It was such a happy domestic scene that only a few years earlier, I never thought I'd ever have or enjoy.

I almost didn't get a chance to enjoy it either, because of Lisa Monroe. And now, Lisa's brother was threatening me.

I exhaled and went back into the living room, thankful for what I had, determined to never, ever take it for granted.

* * *

I spent some time on my laptop that morning catching up on my email while Kate and Sophie played. Dave sent me the final papers that officially shut down the foundation, and seeing them, reading over the document, made me sad. I loved the foundation for it kept me connected to the memory of my father and the good work he did all his life as a trauma surgeon, volunteering with Doctors Without Borders. I hated that my past and my involvement in BDSM had forced me to shut it down.

I sighed and sent Dave an email, thanking him for taking care of it for me and asking him to keep me informed of his efforts to set up a new foundation.

Around eleven, my cell rang and I checked the caller ID. It was from Detective Gates.

"Just a quick call to let you know we apprehended Mr. Monroe without incident about half an hour ago and we have him in custody. He spent the night at a relative's place after one of his family members warned him that they'd called the police. We surrounded the house but there was no stand-off. He came out willingly, was arrested and is getting processed as we speak. You can relax. He won't be getting out of jail any time soon, at least until his trial finishes."

"I hope not then either," I said.

"I doubt he will, but we'll let the wheels of justice grind and find out whenever the case comes up. In the meantime, he'll be in custody so at least you don't have to be afraid to return home."

I glanced over to Kate. "My wife was just saying she could get used to the room service."

"I'm sure she could. I expect you heard the verdict?"

"That I did. I can tell you that it was a relief that she's going away for so long."

"Everyone did their job," the officer said. "Have a good day. If anything related to the threat comes up, please give me a call."

"I will," I said and ended the call.

"Well, we can go home," I said, raising my eyebrows at Kate.

"So soon?" She mock-pouted, although I was certain that she really meant it. "Can we stay another day at least?"

"We can," I said. "I already called down to the front desk, reserving the room for another night just in case. We have it until tomorrow at eleven."

"Good," Kate said and leaned back, her feet stretching out. "I want to eat waffles tomorrow. With real maple syrup."

"Waffles it is. What do you want to do all day?"

She stretched her arms up over her head. "I don't know -- maybe go to Central Park? It's a bit cold but it's sunny."

"Central Park it is. Maybe we can finalize our trip."

"Yes," she said. "I can't wait to go to Nassau. I want to go back to every place we visited that weekend."

"If I recall correctly, we didn't really have the greatest time. I thought everything was going well and then all of a sudden you were treating me like I was the oldest fuddy-duddy ever and couldn't wait to get out of my presence."

She leaned closer, resting her head on my shoulder. "I thought you were the hottest, most desirable man I'd ever met and felt sick to my stomach that I had to lie to you and leave early."

"I had so many plans for you, and then bam. You were gone back to Manhattan and I was alone -- again."

"I was physically sick over the next few days because of it. I honestly laid in bed and moped for so long, Lara was worried about me. Then I cried on her shoulder at a coffee shop and told her what happened."

Tags: S.E. Lund Unrestrained Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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