Matched - Page 54

INDIA: Maybe you better not. I need some distance from you so I can think things through.

JON: I don't like the sound of that. There's nothing to think through, India. You were all ready to give this a try before your mom's accident. What changed?

INDIA: Right now, I can't even think about it and what it means that we've decided to give this thing a try. Just give me some time, okay? We were supposed to take a week.

JON: We didn’t need a week. Don't change your mind.

INDIA: I won't. I want this, but let's take it slow. Wait at least until my mother's better for God's sake.

JON: Whatever you want. You let me know.

Then I feel bad. I don't want to hurt Jon, but right now, I can't be trying to deal with my mother and him.

INDIA: Just give me a few days, okay? When I know my mom's in the clear, I'll be happy to take up where we left off. Believe me.

JON: Like I say, you're in the driver's seat until I take over.

INDIA: You are so bad…

JON: You love it. Confess.

INDIA: I'll need much more experience before I know that for sure. Hours and hours more of experience…


JON: Call or text me at any time of day or night if you need me, or if you just feel like talking, okay?

INDIA: Okay. Thanks. I appreciate it. But please, do not let anyone know we're giving this a try. I don't want it to be public just yet.

JON: Why? Everyone already thinks we're fucking.

INDIA: I don't want it to get in the way of our business relationship, so I think it's best to keep it quiet until we're both sure.

JON: I'm sure so I guess that means you're not. Okay. I can handle that. My lips are sealed.

INDIA: Thanks for understanding. Talk later.

Jon doesn't reply. I know he's upset that I want to keep things quiet for now about our decision to try it as a couple, but I just feel strange if everyone is looking at us, wondering.

I want to fly under everyone's radar.

Most of all, Marina's.

The very last thing I need is Marina on my case, reminding me why Jon is the worst possible match for me.

No one needs that kind of shit.

The day wears on, with my dad and I taking shifts beside my mom or spending time in the family room watching television.

Finally, they scoot my dad out of the room while they bring my mom off the drugs keeping her sedated and she wakes up. Their tests show she's still in there and can move all her limbs. There’s no permanent damage, so they withdraw her breathing tube and she's breathing on her own.

She sleeps because of the injury and the drugs, so we don't get to talk to her, but we know she's better.

Dad is so relived, he cries and I hold him in my arms, patting him on the back.

He loves her so much.

"You go home now," he says to me, stroking my hair when he recovers a bit. "The doctor says she's over the worst of it, and now she just needs to heal. They'll move her to the neurology ward soon."

Tags: S.E. Lund Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024