Family Ties (Morelli Family 4) - Page 150

She doesn’t say anything, and if I keep standing here it’s only going to get more and more awkward.

“So, that’s all I wanted to say. I have to get back to work now, but I hope you enjoy the espresso. We’re a coffee household so I didn’t really know what to buy, but the stuff in the box is supposed to be really good.”

She still doesn’t speak, and I don’t really expect her to. It’d be really nice if I managed to say the right thing, but I guess at least I didn’t say the wrong thing, because she’s not screaming at me.

I offer one last tentative smile, and she offers nothing back, so I slip out the door and make my way back out to my car.

Mark is inexplicably at the bakery visiting Mia when I get back.

It’s inexplicable because he shouldn’t have even known she was there—I’m supposed to be working, but at least his shine doesn’t dim when I come in and interrupt.

“Hey, future friend-in-law,” he says, reaching out and tapping me on the arm.

“What are you doing here, persona non grata?” I fire back, raising my eyebrows and cocking my head pointedly toward the camera.

Waving dismissively, Mark says, “He doesn’t watch that. If he did, he’d have known about Sal a long time ago.”

“He might since you whisked Mia off to a hotel,” I inform him.

Mark smiles at Mia across the display. “She makes it sound so naughty.”

“Why are you here?” I ask again, wanting to clear him out of here.

“My fault,” Mia says, sheepishly raising her hand. “I was bored and hungry. He offered to bring me a burrito. I’m cheap.”

Lifting an eyebrow, I nod at her $600 sandals. “Tell that to your shoes.”

“I haven’t paid for shoes in over a year,” she informs me.

“Perks of being a gangster’s sugar baby,” Mark teases.

Rolling her eyes, Mia swats him in the arm. “Shut up.”

“Hey, I’m not hatin’. If I had Mateo money, I’d buy you shoes, too.”

“Shh,” she says, pressing her finger to her lips.

I know she’s not doing it to draw his attention there, but she does anyway.

Poor Mark.

“Of course, your actual boyfriend probably wouldn’t approve,” Mark goes on, like he’s not now wondering what she would look like giving him a blowjob. “But hey, he’s the asshole who doesn’t buy you shoes, so it’s really his own fault.”

“Does Sal know you’re here?” I ask sternly. “He’s not supposed to know I left. If you blew my cover to stalk Mia, I’m going to be so pissed at you.”

“I am not stalking Mia,” Mark informs me. “I know she’s not as freaked out by that as most women would be, but I do try not to be a creepy motherfucker more than absolutely necessary.” Mia rolls her eyes at this commentary, but Mark goes on. “Sal does not know I’m here, but why are you secretly leaving the bakery? You better not be steppin’ out on him; only men are allowed to do that shit.”

“I am. I’m stepping out on him with his mother. It’s quite scandalous.”

Mark’s dark brows shoot clear up his forehead. “You were out with Mama Castellanos?”

“Don’t tell him. I don’t think it worked. I wanted to see if I could convince her to come to the wedding, but she still hates my Morelli guts.”

Nodding grimly, he says, “It’s really easy to hate Morelli guts. Sorry about that.”

“Spoken like a true outsider,” Mia says haughtily. “The Morellis are fine, you just can’t be such a whiny little bitch. ‘Treat me with respect, stop playing with my mind, don’t ruin my life.’” She mocks rubbing her eyes like a crying baby. “Wahh, wahh, wahh. Bunch of babies.”

I nod, pointing at Mia. “See, you’re just not badass enough to hang with us.”

Gaping dramatically, Mark argues, “I am so badass, you don’t even know. I popped a cap in some guy’s ass right in front of you.”

Mia pulls a look that tells him she’s not impressed. “Eh, behind me. I never saw proof. You probably faked it.”

“All right, crazy; I guess if you’re gonna keep playing with fire, at least you can laugh about your third degree burns,” Mark states.

Nodding, Mia flexes her ankle. “Look how well they complement my shoes.”

I smile, walking around the display and going to the back to put my purse in the office while Mia torments Mark. Mia adapts to her surroundings and I’m so used to her around Vince and Mateo, I forgot she was more light-hearted and fun when Mark was around. It really is too bad he can’t date her. They’d be great couple friends.

Chapter Forty Seven


After three months of planning, I, Francesca Morelli, am marrying Antonio Salvatore Castellanos.

Well, tomorrow.

Tonight, we rehearse.

I am happy with my decision not to invite any dates because Mateo isn’t an excessively jealous person, and as he sits in the pew watching Mark crack Mia up as they walk down the aisle, even he looks a little murdery. I take that to mean Vince would have lost his shit already.

Tags: Sam Mariano Morelli Family Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024