Emily: Sex and Sensibility (The Wilde Sisters 1) - Page 32

“Mrs. Barnett. Jane. I meant to call.”

“Actually, I’ve been trying to reach your PA.”

Marco shuddered. “Yes. So have I. She seems to have disappeared. What of those candidates you were going to interview? How has that worked out? Please tell me you’ve found one who is suitable.”

“Uh,” Jane said carefully, “well, I may have found one who is just about perfect.”

The second good news of the day. Marco beamed happily as he sank into his chair.

“Do you mean it?”

“She speaks four languages. She’s traveled. She’s bright. I’m sure she can write up reports. Fairly complex ones, I suspect. As I said, she’s just about perfect.”

Marco wanted to pump his fist in the air but not yet, not yet.

“Did you explain that she’ll have to be prepared to leave the country tomorrow?”

A pause. Then, “Uh, not exactly.”


“Because this isn’t precisely the job she came here to fill.”

“Didn’t the agency explain the situation to her?”


“What are you telling me, Jane? Is she not interested in the position? Did you explain how well it pays? Seventy-five thousand a year? Health insurance? Vacations? Pension?”

“Uh, I thought you might want to talk with her yourself, Mr. Santini. See, this is a bit confusing. She was here to interview for one thing and I ended up offering her another.”

Marco shut his eyes. Good news, but with an edge.

“Wonderful. I have been dealing with incompetence all morning and now we add the incompetence of a headhunting agency that sends a person to the wrong job. But if this woman is suitable…”

“I believe she is, sir.”

“And what about Ms. Madison? Has she called?”


Dio, another “uh”?

“Never mind. One thing at a time. Send this paragon of efficiency to my office rapidamente.”

“That’s why I’m calling, sir. I tried to reach your PA—”

“My temp,” Marco growled. “God forbid she might ever be anyone’s PA.”

“Yes, sir. Right. The point is, she didn’t answer. So I called Executive Reception to tell her that, uh, the candidate is on her way.”


“And, uh, before you meet with her I wanted to explain that, uh—”

“Jane,” Marco said through his teeth, “if there is something to explain, explain it.”

“I’m trying to, Mr. Santini, but it’s a little complicated and, uh—”

Tags: Sandra Marton The Wilde Sisters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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