Season's Greetings : Christmas Box Set - Page 126

“Beautiful,” I interject, shaking my head as I smile.

Faye punches her brother in his stomach playfully, and he hunches over. “Ouch.”

“That wasn’t what you were going to say. Luckily, James saved your ass. James, my brother, Warren, the thoughtful. Warren, my boyfriend, James.”

We both grin like school kids. It feels good to say the labels out loud.

“Nice to meet you.” I stick my hand out for him to shake.

“Likewise. I wasn’t aware the two of you were dating,” Warren says, never taking his eyes off me as he shakes my hand.

“It’s a recent development,” I admit. I can deal with a little interrogation.


“Stop.” Faye slaps his arm. “At least get inside and comfortable before you start grilling him.”

“Jeez, Faye. You’re bordering on abusive here.”

“Psh. You can take it.”

“You’re lucky it’s your birthday,” Warren growls more teddy bear than grizzly. “How’s my niece?”

“Growing fast, as you mentioned.”

“I didn’t ...”

She stares at him, and he looks away. “But healthy and on track.”

“She’ll be here before you know it,” Warren says.

“I know.” Her voice wavers.

I squeeze her hand, and Warren places a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “You got this, baby girl,” Warren says.

“I know. It’s just the whole labor thing.”

“Remember, our breathing exercises and the classes this month should help.”

“Oh?” Warren glances from one to the other.

“We’ve been watching videos to prepare.”

“Is he going to be in the room when you’re in labor?” Warren’s voice raises.

“I sure as hell hope so.”

“I’ll be there no matter what, sweetheart.”

Her shoulders relax, and I kiss the side of her head.

“I just figured Rochelle would be there.”

“I love my best friend, but we both know she gets queasy at the sight of blood. I can’t be worried about her passing out when I’m trying to push out a watermelon.”

“Okay, enough descriptive language.” Warren makes a cutting motion across his neck.

“Big baby,” she mumbles, walking into the kitchen.

Tags: Shyla Colt Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025