The Ruckus - Page 23

It was a little drafty, and I felt more than a little ridiculous walking back with a blanket and drinks while at the same time butt-ass naked, but hey—sacrifices had to be made.

In this case, I was more than happy to sacrifice my pride for some more naked cuddles with Jasmine under the blanket.

They were both exactly like I’d left them, with Jasmine stretched out across the sofa while Micah sat on the floor and played with her hair. Together, they looked like they might be modeling for one of those naked Renaissance paintings, and I was tempted just to stand back and keep my eyes on Jasmine for a little while longer.

“Hurry up with that blanket, man,” Micah beckoned me over as Jasmine sat upright. “It’s fucking freezing in here.”


So much for the Renaissance illusion. He wasn’t wrong, though. If anything, the temperature in the studio had dropped a couple of degrees since I’d gone after the blanket and drinks. Either that or the post-orgasm high I’d been riding was finally succumbing to reality.

“Thank you so much.” Jasmine covered herself and moved to the middle of the sofa, giving Micah and me some room on either side of her as she spread the blanket out. “This is much better.”

She took the water, and Micah took the energy drink, leaving me with the ice-cold beer as I gratefully climbed underneath the blanket next to her soft, warm body.

“Much better,” I echoed, my cock stirring again from being next to her. “Not a bad way to ride out the rest of the storm, either.”

“Cheers to that,” Micah lifted his can. “We could probably even get some work done on the script if we wanted to.”

I was perfectly content to savor whatever remaining non-working, non-clothed moments we had with Jasmine, but I also loved the way her face lit up at the mention of our script.

“I still can’t believe y’all are making a movie together.” She shook her head, looking around as if she saw the studio for the first time all over again. “This is like... the kind of stuff I literally dream about.”

“You don’t have to dream about it,” I said. “You can be a part of it with us.”

“Hell yeah,” Micah nodded. “You’ve seen our costumes. We need someone with your skills and knowledge. Desperately.”

He wasn’t lying or even exaggerating. Our pitiful wardrobe department—if it could even be called that—was more suited to a kids’ Halloween party than a serious historical drama.

She laughed, then sighed. “I would honestly love to help. And yeah, I could probably make some improvements to the costumes. But I live in California. It’s not like I can commute, unless you have some sort of multi-million dollar budget for this movie.”

My heart sank as reality came crashing down on our impromptu idea to entice Jasmine to stay. But just because an idea was impractical didn’t make it bad. Starting my own studio from nothing hadn’t exactly been the smartest, most practical decision I’d ever made, either. Definitely not smart at all, actually.

It had all worked out in the end, though. Well, so far. With Micah there to help, things had been moving in the right direction a hell of a lot faster than if I had to make it all happen on my own.

We would have exponential growth again with Jasmine by our side. We only had to convince her that it was possible.

“We don’t have a big budget,” I confessed. “I’m still working on securing some more funding for everything we need to do, but I honestly think we’ll be ready to begin shooting in a few weeks. That’s no bullshit.” I held up my finger and thumb about an inch apart. “We’re this close, Jasmine. We need a little push. A little boost.”

“I wish I could commit to staying here and helping out. I really do.” She looked and sounded sincere, at least. If she was lying, she was at least as good an actress as she was a costume designer. “I just don’t see any way to make that work.” She glanced back and forth between us for a moment, then cocked her head to the side. “So, not to change the subject or anything, but... have the two of you ever done anything like this before?”

For a moment, I thought she was still talking about making a movie. But the expression on her face and the way her eyes dropped down to my crotch told a different story.

“Like...” Micah began, quirking a brow.

“Like what we did earlier.” Her cheeks flushed as she swallowed hard. “Have y’all ever shared a woman before? In bed?”

I loved how she could ask such a direct question—in a roundabout way—and still blush about it at the same time. It was that perfect combination of total confidence with a hint of innocence that made my dick throb.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024