Athena's Jewel (Aya Harris Collection 2) - Page 20

Trent frowned. He dropped the cocky attitude and leaned forward. “I hope I haven’t offended you, Aya. I very much like you. You’re different than most girls.”

I huffed. “Right. But not different enough to take a chance on. I see how it is.”

He cocked his head and fixed his smoldering dark eyes on mine. “No, that’s not it. I’d love to take a chance on you.”

His lips were against mine before I had a chance to blink. They were surprisingly hard and soft at the same time. He kissed me with an urgency that my body willingly responded to, drawing heat into my lower belly. I could taste the sweet champagne on his breath, along with the tiniest hint of spice. He ran a hand from my hip to my shoulder where he cradled my cheek.

“Wait.” I pulled away, dizzy from the physical contact. “What are you doing?”

He smiled. “I think the correct term is kissing.”

His smugness was going to get him stabbed in the heart with a stake someday. “I didn’t come here to kiss you.”

Panic was beginning to root in my chest. This had turned into an even worse night than I imagined. Somehow, I’d gone from a business pitch to making out with my new boss. Things couldn’t get worse.

“Pull over.” I rapped on the window to the driver’s seat. “Now!”

“Come on, don’t leave like this.” Trent scrambled out of the car after me. “I won’t do it again, I promise.”

“I don’t think I can trust that promise,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest. It was the dress. I knew I should’ve worn something more conservative. It didn’t say business woman like I’d hoped.

“Come on…” He hung back at the limo door as I made a hasty retreat down the darkened street.

“Carry on,” I yelled over my shoulder.

The squeal of the limo driving away was my only sign that Trent had abandoned his pursuit of me. With my purse tucked close to my side, I crossed the street. A line of vacant cabs sat outside a corner hotel. At least I wouldn’t have to walk home.

I thought of Athena’s Jewel bouncing underneath my dress. If tonight was any sign of how my mission would go tomorrow, I was in for a rough week. The only thing I could do now was pray that I would make it out alive.

Chapter Eight

Gideon was standing outside my apartment when I got home, pressing his back against the peeling wallpaper with his arms crossed tightly over his chest. The expression on his face reminded me of a young boy pouting when his favorite toy was taken away. His brow was furrowed and his lips pressed together in a stubborn line. If he hadn’t spotted me the moment I entered the hallway, I would’ve turned and ran away.

“I thought you weren’t supposed to see me anymore,” I said with a weary wave of my keys.

How was I supposed to move on if he was always showing up?

“We’re not seeing each other.” He moved away from the wallpaper and stuffed his hands in his pockets. “But, I had to talk to you one last time. I can’t let you do this.”

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and instead opened the door to let us both into the apartment. The darkness of the living room told me Johnny wasn’t home. He was probably staying late at the office working on his new case. At least, he didn’t have to witness me arguing with Gideon.

“I thought I made myself clear.” I dropped my purse on the table and yanked the heels off my sore feet. “You don’t get to tell me what to do. This is my decision.”

“No, this is the SI’s business.”

Gideon stepped closer, his face only inches from mine. I make a quick step back, putting the table in between us. It wouldn’t do to have his closeness distract me. He wasn’t going to win this argument.

“This is my business,” I said with a shake of my head. “My mother, my harpy relatives, my business. They say I’m the only one that can get in to rescue her.”

“Then, at least let me help.”

He took a step forward and I mirrored it with a step back.

“No. I have to do this myself.”

“Says who?” He ran a hand over his head. “Why can’t I pull SI resources to look into this? You don’t need to put yourself in danger.”

In the time since I’d returned from HQ headquarters, I’d already run that question through my head a million different ways. If the harpies couldn’t reach my mother even with their powers and magic and endless supply of resources, then neither could the SI. I was the only way.

Tags: Lacy Andersen Aya Harris Collection Paranormal
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024