Devil May Cry (Dark-Hunter 11) - Page 27

He should do that. It was what he intended, but as she laid her hand against his cheek, he was lost by the tenderness. He just wanted to be held ...

Damn him for it. He was so tired of being alone. Of coming home to an empty room where he tended his wounds and lived for no other reason than to fight. He didn't even know why he fought anymore.

Why should he care about a world that couldn't care less about him? But when he looked at her, he saw things he hadn't seen in a long time. Compassion. Humor. Beauty. And that was one thing that was lethal more times than it wasn't.

His emotions were churning as she rolled him onto his back and laid her body against his. His senses reeled as she teased his jaw with her tongue and teeth. Her hair slid against his skin, tickling him. But it was the warmth of her body that seared him most. He was lost to her for now. Lost to her touch and her comfort.

With her holding him like this, he couldn't have gotten up if the room was on fire

Kat had seen thousands of beautiful naked male bodies in her lifetime. Flawless and perfect, they had come and gone.

None of them could compare to the scarred beauty of Sin's.

His body told the story of a man with no one there to keep him safe. In that aspect, he reminded her of her father. But Sin was nothing like Acheron.

There was a spiritual coldness to Sin. He was a man who'd been wounded so many times that he no longer believed in goodness. He couldn't even accept her kindness. What a frigid place to live in.

And all she wanted to do was warm him. To let him know that not everyone meant him harm. Some people could be trusted. Not everyone was out to hurt other people. There was still goodness and decency to be found.

But she wasn't sure he would ever believe that. He most definitely wouldn't if he ever learned the truth about the night Artemis had taken his godhood.

No, the night she had taken it and given his powers to her mother. It'd been so wrong, but she'd done it trying to protect her mother. She could kill herself for her stupidity. Back then, she'd believed everything her mother had told her.

She was such a fool.

If only she could go back and change it. Unfortunately, she couldn't. All she could do was try to comfort him now. To be here when he needed help in his fight.

And that she would.

Sin watched her with hooded eyes as she slid herself down his body, exploring every part of it. Now he recognized the innocence in her hesitant touch. The curiosity.

And when she got to the center of his body, she paused. Holding his breath, he watched as she combed the soft tangle of cuds with her nails while she studied him intently. It was painful to have her look and not touch him, especially given how hard he was.

Her gaze met his. One comer of her mouth lifted in a tender smile before she touched him. Groaning in satisfaction, he arched his back. Her fingers probed the length of his cock from his sac to the tip, and all the while she watched him writhing in pleasure.

Her smile widened before she dipped her head down to replace her fingers with her mouth.

Sin was forced to bang his head against the floor to keep from coming as she gently sucked and licked. Damn. Damn, she was seriously talented with her tongue.

"Are you sure you haven't done this before?"

She laughed, tickling him. She pulled back to shake her head.

"Never before."

Damn ... it was all he could think. "You didn't have to stop."

Kat arched a brow at him. "No?"

"Hell, no."

She teased his tip with her tongue before she blew a cool breath across him.

Yeah, okay, it was time to stop. If she didn't, they were both going to be disappointed. Sin sat up and pulled her close. Kat actually purred as he nuzzled her neck. His whiskers teased her skin, making her breasts swell and tingle. She cupped his head to her as her senses swirled. He braced his hands on each side of her hips before he guided her down on top of him so that he could impale her.

She tensed as pain interrupted her pleasure.

"Sh," he breathed in her ear. His breath was scorching as his tongue swirled around her lobe.

Her body ignited as it adjusted to take in his thickness.

Sin felt her relaxing again. He ran his hands over her smooth back and cupped her bottom. He lifted her up and showed her how to move against him. She was a quick learner. In no time, she'd settled into a sweet, slow rhythm that resonated through his entire body.

He leaned back on the floor so that he could watch her while she rode him. She was shameless in her strokes. Oh, the sight of her there, like that ... it was enough to kill him. Good thing he was immortal.

Smiling, he dipped his hand down so that he could stroke her clit while she rode him. The instant he touched her, she let out a small squeak of pleasure.

"Like that, do you?"

"Mmmm-hmmm," she breathed.

It was torture for him to hold back, but he wouldn't do that to her. He wasn't an ex-fertility god without reason. There was no way he was going to finish before she did. Even if it killed him.

Kat felt molten as she stared down at Sin. She'd never dreamt how good it would feel to have a man inside her. There was something so filling and special about this. She was sharing with him what she'd never shared with anyone else. It was intimate and special. She stared at those golden eyes before she reached to take his hand in hers. Lifting it to her lips, she placed a kiss in his palm, then one on the backs of his fingers.

How could anyone have ever hurt him? It made her angry and protective. Most of all, it saddened her. People could be so cruel and the gods were even worse.

Kat's thoughts scattered as a strange pleasure started inside her.

It was warm and wicked and spread through every part of her. Like a wave, it seemed to build and crest until she couldn't stand it anymore.

A second later, her body exploded into intense sensations that made her shake all over.

Sin laughed in triumph as he felt her body spasming around his. Taking her hips in his hands, he thrust harder against her, intensifying her orgasm. She actually cried out as she leaned over him.

Tags: Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark-Hunter Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024