Devil May Cry (Dark-Hunter 11) - Page 78


The rumble of the tomb went through Kat like an electrical current. She and Artemis staggered back into Kish whose eyes were as wide as possible as even the walls around them vibrated. Pieces of the ceiling shook loose and fell while the sound grew louder. She met Sin's gaze to see the confirmation of her fears on his face.

Kat laughed nervously. "Please tell me the cave just has a little indigestion."

But as it rumbled again and she heard a piercing shriek from inside the tomb, she knew the truth.

The Dimme were coming out.

Kat tensed, ready to battle as she saw the wiggling feminine fingers that appeared in a crack in the stone. They had long, black fingernails that pushed against the opening, trying to enlarge it.

"Get back," Sin snapped at all of them.

"I'm powerless," Artemis said. "I can't fight against a demon since I gave someone-" she glared at Kat-"temporary loan of my powers. At least it better be temporary..."

Kat shook her head. Yes, she'd given Sin his powers back, and taken some for her own, but she would never take away her mother's. They might disagree from time to time, but at the end of the day, she loved her mother more than anything.

Sin smiled as he gave Artemis a meaningful stare. "I think we found our sacrifice to them."

"Oh poo," Simi said petulantly, "we can't let the heifer-goddess die. Akri will die too if he can't eat from her." Her eyes flaming, she put herself between Artemis and the tomb. "C'mon, Xirena, you gots to help the Simi protect the bitch-goddess."

Xirena let out a disgusted snarl before she took up a position beside her sister.

Kish moved to stand next to Artemis. "Looks like the safest spot here for a human who doesn't want to get eaten."

Artemis raked him with a sneer as Xypher came to stand between Sin and Kat.

"Any game plan?" Xypher asked Sin.

"Don't die."

"I like it. Simple, bold. Impossible. Works for me."

Kat scoffed at his sarcasm. "What are you bitching about, Xypher? You're already dead."

He laughed. "You know, for once, it's good to be me."

Kat only wished she shared his status. She looked at Sin. "Any words of advice on how to kill these?"

"Not a one. It took three of us to trap them last time... trap, not kill because we never could figure out how to do that. They're nasty buggers."

Great. She couldn't wait to meet one.

All of a sudden, something crashed behind them. Kat turned to see Acheron entering the chamber with Zakar and the rest of their group.

"Seal the door behind us," Ash ordered Deimos.

Kish scowled at them. "Um, not to be argumentative or anything, but didn't we have to fight to get that opened?"

A female Dolophonus gave him a duh stare. "Well, if you want to leave it open and let all the demons in-"

"Close it, please."

She smirked. "I somehow thought you'd agree."

Deimos and his twin brother Phobos leaned against the rock that sealed the door. They were bloody and panting, as were the rest of them.

"Well," M'Adoc said as he wiped blood from his bruised brow. "At least there are only seven of these."

"Who are about twenty times worse and stronger than the others," Sin added.

"Oh goody," Kat said excitedly, "how it evens out." Deciding she was through with the games, she flexed her arms out and manifested blades in her hands as Zakar came forward. Sin handed him the Rod they'd taken from Ishtar's tomb.

"Simi," Ash said sharply. "Take Artemis to Olympus."

Simi let out a noise of aggravation. "One day I wish you'd just let me eat her."


"I'm going, I'm going," she grumbled before she complied.

Sin passed a repugnant look at Ash. "Did you have to do that?"

Ash shrugged. "Forget the Dimme. If she dies, you'd have to fight me in my true form. You ready for that?"

"Not today. I'm a little battle worn."

Ignoring them, Zakar put the Rod into the lock. When he tried to reseal it, the Rod shattered. "I think we waited too long. It won't close again."

Kat eyed the Dimme fingers that were pushing at the crack. "They're awake and steadily chipping the stone down."

"What the hell kills a Dimme?" Xypher asked.

They all looked at each other as a deep green glow burst out of the tomb. The gallu demons outside were now pounding at the door, trying to shatter it. The Dimme were screaming louder, breaking away more of the stone.

How did someone kill something that was invincible? The question chased itself around in Kat's head until she was dizzy from it. And as she looked back at the tomb, a new thought occurred to her.

Kat turned to Sin. "I think we're asking the wrong question. Forget killing them. How did you trap them last time?"

"Three Sumerian gods and a chant."

Kish sighed. "Too bad we only have one out of the three."

"No," Ash said. "We have three out of three. Zakar, Sin, and Katra."

Sin froze as he caught Ash's meaning. It was brilliant. By saving Kat's life, he might have saved the entire world. "The blood exchange."

Ash nodded. "Kat shares Sumerian blood with you now. She can function as the third god."

Sin smiled as he met Kat's hopeful gaze. He looked at Zakar and for the first time, he truly felt they might survive this. "Do you remember how we locked them down?"

"Yes, but the Rod's broken. We need something else to use as a key."

"Will the sfora work?" Kat asked Sin. "It can move forward and back through time."

He wasn't sure, but it was worth a shot. "I think it will. All we can do is try."

Tags: Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark-Hunter Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024