Styxx (Dark-Hunter 22) - Page 125

"Have you any idea the drain you've put on our resources?"

Styxx kept his gaze on the floor.

"Have you?"

"You told me not to speak."

His father backhanded him. "I should have you whipped for going behind my back as you've done and draining my finances with such frivolity. How dare you!" He growled furiously then kicked at Styxx's chair. "Get up!"

Careful to keep his expression blank, Styxx stood.

"Since you think it's funny to spend my money so recklessly, I'm selling your farm and your horse."

The farm he'd bought with his own coin from the blood of his own brow and back ... for Bethany.

Styxx ground his teeth as pain racked him. But he didn't dare let it show. He knew better.

"You are being stripped of your military rank. And your armor, hoplon, and swords were sold and melted down this morning. Furthermore, you are cut off financially. Since I can't trust you to spend wisely, I'll treat you as I do Ryssa. You will have to come begging to me for every obolos, and then only if I deem your need worthy will you get one. I'm increasing your daily obligations for work and you will pay back every single bit you authorized paid for such rampant stupidity. Now what have you to say for yourself?"

Don't do it....

Stay silent.

But he couldn't. He was too raw and angry. Glaring at his father, he pulled the gold cuffs off and slammed them down on his father's desk. Next he removed his fibula and chlamys then his shoes.

The king curled his lip. "What are you doing?"

"This is about punishing me, is it not? You're stripping me of everything I own to pay for your soldiers. Fine. Take it. Sell it all. I don't want it, anyway." Styxx dropped his silk chiton to the floor. With his gaze locked on his father's, he jerked his signet ring off and slammed it down next to the cuffs.

Completely naked and with what little pride he possessed, he turned and walked out of the room. Ignoring everyone who turned to gape at his horrifically scarred and marked body and speculate over it, Styxx headed out the main doors and descended the steps.

With no place else to go and too sick to walk very far today, he went to the barracks. Thankfully, they were empty of Didymosian soldiers.

Galen rose to his feet as soon as he saw him nearing his headquarters. "Oh dear gods, son..." Pulling his cloak off, he wrapped it around Styxx. "What happened?"


Galen frowned, but didn't question him further as he guided Styxx into a chair. "Your eye should have had stitches."

"I know. But there was no one there for it."

Galen poured a cup of wine and handed it to him. Then he went to fetch him clothes.

Styxx didn't say a word as he dressed. Unfortunately, Galen's shoes were too small for freakishly large feet. "Would it be all right if I bunked with you for the night?"

"Of course, son. You know you're always welcome wherever I am."

"Thank you, Master Galen."


Styxx held his hand up to stop him. "I've been disowned, Galen."

His old mentor gaped. "What?" he asked incredulously. "When they came for your armor and equipment this morning, I thought it was for you to be dressed in it."

He shook his head. "I've been decommissioned. The king has sold off my armor."

"This is outrageous! Why?"

Styxx refused to tell him the reason. Galen would feel guilty for his part in it and Galen was not at fault at all. "It doesn't matter."

"You should go to your Bethany."

"She's gone, Galen. She left me ... a while ago." Styxx bit back a sob at the loss of the only thing that really mattered to him.

That and his horse. He was really going to miss Troian. Bethany more, but he'd been through a lot with that horse.

"What can I get for you?"

"I'm fine, Master Galen."

"You're not fine, Styxx. I'm old, not stupid."

"And I'm stupid and not old."

Galen laughed at him. "You look like you've been swallowed by Charybdis and spat back out. Come with me and lie down and rest for awhile."

Styxx started to argue, but he had a bad fever and vicious sore throat from being chilled last night after his fight with Acheron. Coughing, he followed Galen to his quarters.

Styxx lay down on the bed and Galen pulled the covers up around him and tucked them close to his body. Strange, it was the only time in his life someone had done this for him.

"Sleep if you can. I'll be back to check on you soon."

"Thank you, Galen." Closing his eyes, Styxx tried to sleep, but it was useless. Too many voices and too many bad memories tormented him. And the worst were the memories of a gentle hand in his hair that he'd never know again.

Tags: Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark-Hunter Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024