Styxx (Dark-Hunter 22) - Page 63

"There was no before you, Bethany. I had no pleasure whatsoever."

Bethany hesitated at those words. She heard the sincerity in his voice. But was he serious? "None?"

He placed her hand to his face so that she could feel his earnest expression. "None."

Before she could stop herself, she pulled him into her arms and held him close. His strong arms surrounded her with warmth as she breathed his scent in. He held her as if she was unspeakably precious. As if he loved her ...

But she knew better. In fact, he could be lying about everything. Most men, in her experience, did.

She felt his jaw tensing as he tightened his arms around her and cupped her head in his hand. He took a deep breath in her hair then released her.

"I can't believe no man has married you."

"Who says I want to marry?"

"Don't you?"

She shook her head. "I refuse to answer to anyone for anything. My life is my own, as is my body. No one is ever going to command me. Have I offended you yet?"

"Not even a little. I cherish your spirit and I hope you always have it."

She frowned. "Why do you say that?"

Styxx fell silent as his past churned inside him. He might have held her conviction at some point in his life, but he couldn't remember a time when he hadn't felt like a tired, whipped dog. "Life has a way of breaking even the strongest among us."

Bethany's breath caught as she heard his underlying agony. "The strongest of metals is forged under the most violent of conditions, my lord. It is buried deep in the hottest coals and then beat and pounded until it is bent into shape. Then it becomes the strongest, most lethal of weapons. A thing of absolute beauty and force."

But only when it's wielded by the right hand. Galen's words whispered to him and he finally understood what the old man had meant about the reasons to fight.

For this woman's safety, alone, he would battle.

"You have the most amazing outlook, my lady."

"And you don't?"

"Mine is much bleaker. It is one of responsibility and expectation. But I would much rather see this world through your eyes than mine."

"But my eyes are blind."

"And yet, as you said, they see so much more than others.... My beautiful Bethany. I feel like I've known you a lot longer than one day, and I don't know why."

Bethany fell silent. She felt the same and it made no sense whatsoever. Why did he call out to her when others never had?

What floored her most was that he wasn't grabbing at her or even trying to kiss her. He was so respectful of her space and her body.

Her Hector was unlike any man she'd ever known.

He sighed. "It's getting late and I don't want you out alone in the dark. I need to let you go."

She had a feeling he wasn't just talking about this meeting. "Will you visit me again?"

"Would it please you?"

"It would."

"Then I shall come." He stood up then helped her to her feet.

When she bent over to pack her basket, she bumped heads with him. "Ow!" they said simultaneously.

Laughing, Styxx righted himself and realized that once again, all the voices in his head were quiet. He never heard them when he was with her.


"I hope I didn't concuss you, my lady."

She rubbed her head. "Not yet, but I fear you might be trying." Rising up on her toes, she pressed her cheek to his. "Until next we meet."

He closed his eyes and savored the sensation of her body next to his and her breath falling against his neck. "I will be counting down the heartbeats."

Styxx handed her the basket and pole and watched as she vanished into the forest. He didn't move until she was completely gone from his sight.

There was nothing he wanted more than to stay with her forever. But it was an impossible dream. He'd be more likely to convince his father to return Acheron to the line of succession.

And yet ...

She is just another trick of the gods sent to torture you with something you know you'll never be worthy to have.

It was true. Why else would she be here?

July 26, 9532 BC

"Styxx! Come in here, there's a matter of great importance I need to speak to you about."

Resisting the urge to let out a frustrated breath, Styxx turned on the stairs and headed for his father's study.

Just what I was looking forward to. Another lecture on how I've disappointed you.

He entered the room and shut the door behind him. "Yes, Father?"

"Have a seat."

What did I do now?

Styxx complied as his father sat back in his own chair to stare at him with an unsettling intensity. Yes, this was going to go badly for him.

His father stroked his beard as if seeking the right words. "A troubling matter has come to me."

The blood left his face. He knows I'm a whore....

Don't overreact. Calm yourself.

"And that is, Father?"

"You haven't sired any bastards."

Tags: Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark-Hunter Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024