Styxx (Dark-Hunter 22) - Page 80

Closing his eyes, he decided there was no easy way to break it to her. "I have to leave tomorrow, my lady. And I don't know when I'll be back."

Gasping, she shot up instantly and almost kneed his groin as she tried to feel his facial expression.

He placed her palm against his cheek and mouth so that she would know how serious it was.


"Atlantis has attacked a kingdom in the south. King Xerxes is assembling a contingency to render aid and march against them."

"But you're a merchant's son!"

"He's demanding any free man my age and above to go." A partial lie he hoped she didn't call him on. The law stipulated that their army consist of any free man above the age of eight-and-ten, and single noblemen over the age of one-and-twenty. It was unheard of for someone his age to be sent. But, in spite of Galen's defiant protests, his father had insisted Styxx go to fight.

"Not another word, Galen, or I'll have you whipped ... He is going. Perhaps this will finally make a man of him!" Styxx ground his teeth in memory of his father's hate-filled words from the night before.

She shook her head. "No. I won't let you."

"I have no choice."

"Have you any training whatsoever, Hector?"

"Some." Actually, he had a great deal more than many of their men. Most only trained two weeks out of the year. The rest alternated days in the public barracks, and trained with Galen's hand picked instructors a few days each month.

Tears filled her eyes. "War is brutal. It's ... you can't go. You can't! I quite forbid it."

Those words lightened his heart and made it ache simultaneously. "I don't want to leave you, akribos. Believe me. But it's treason for any man to refuse a hoplon and xiphos when he's called. I'd be locked away if I didn't go."

And he hated that. Bethany knew from their time together there was nothing he despised more. He didn't even like for her to playfully tie his hands. Her Hector couldn't stand any kind of bondage game. Not even a frail scarf around his wrist.

To be confined for real would kill him.

Terrified for her human, she reached up and removed the necklace that had never been off her since the day her father had placed it there. She closed her eyes and imbued it with protective power. Taking his hand, she wound the leather cord around his wrist and secured it, knowing his vambrace would cover it and it wouldn't accidentally fall off in battle. "Then you take this and don't remove it for anything."


"It will protect you as it has always protected me."


"I promise you, Hector. So long as you wear it, no blade or arrow will be able to cut you. Not even one forged by the gods. Please, don't take it off for anything."

He kissed her cheek. "All right. I will keep it where you put it until I return to you."

Her bells jingling, she laid herself back over him.

Styxx felt her hot tears on his skin. For a full minute, he couldn't breathe. No one had ever shed a single tear for him before. Not even his own twin. He touched the moisture, amazed by it.

"Don't cry, Beth. I'm not worth this."

"You are to me, and I will make sure the gods end this quickly so that you return to me. You are taking my heart with you ... Please, please be careful."

"I will, and I will be counting down the heartbeats until my return."

And for the first time in his life, he wanted to live to come home. He finally had a reason to.

October 15, 9532 BC

Dressed in his black and bronze armor, Styxx walked down the stairs toward the front door with his helm cradled beneath his arm. Concealed by his vambrace, Bethany's necklace was still wrapped around his left wrist where she'd placed it.

His father, mother, and sister were gathered to see him off ... In theory anyway.

Drunk, his mother raked a glare over him. "May the Atlanteans gut you on your first day so fast you feel no pain from it."

The servants close enough to hear her sucked their breaths in sharply.

Styxx didn't react at all. "Thank you, Matisera. From you, I could wish no sweeter parting words."

Ryssa's expression was just as cold. "I know you won't die. I'm sure you'll cower behind the others as you always do, or stack them in front of you so you can use them for a shield."

"May the gods continue to bless you with your kind disposition in my absence, sweet sister."

She sneered at him. "I hope your horse throws you in the midst of battle right into the heart of our enemies."

"Ignore them." His father drew him into a light embrace. "Return with honor, boy."

Styxx had to fight not to roll his eyes. His father had drilled that into him the night before. "Whatever you do, boy, don't you dare embarrass me with the other kings and generals. I will not stand for it."

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And with that in mind, Styxx slid his signet ring from his finger and handed it to his father, who scowled at his actions.

"They can't ransom me if they don't know who I am and if they have no proof they hold me."


He held his hand up to silence his king. "Keep it, Father. I don't want it." The house of Aricles was cursed and he didn't desire anything with him that reminded him of people who begrudged him every breath he took. If he was riding to his death then he only wanted Bethany's token with him. Let him die with her face and memory in his heart, not theirs.

Without looking back, Styxx left his "family" and headed down the steps to where Galen waited with Troian. By Galen's grim expression, Styxx could tell his mentor was as thrilled by their generous farewells as he was.

"Are you all right, Highness?"

Tags: Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark-Hunter Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024