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Styxx (Dark-Hunter 22)

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Pali gave him a droll stare. "We got our asses kicked. What were you doing? Napping through it?"

Apollo glared at them. "How are we going to take Greece if we get driven from their shores like spanked little girls?"

"We?" Misos raked a sneer over Apollo's golden fair form. "We doesn't include you, Greek."

"It does as long as my people are fighting and dying. Especially my grandson! Which of them killed Xan?"

"Prince Styxx," they shouted in unison.

Pali snorted. "Are you deaf, too? How did you miss your people chanting the little bastard's name?"

Apollo's eyes blazed with sudden recognition. "That little prick was the Didymosian prince and heir?"

"Where have you been?" Diafonia asked. "Obviously you weren't here for the battle."

"Of course not. I couldn't let Zeus or Athena see me siding with our enemies. I only came after I heard you were retreating. And I have to say the news shocked me."

Misos folded his arms over his chest. "Well, if you'd like some vengeance, by all means, remove your prince from our future battle plans."

Apollo smiled wickedly. "Don't worry, old man. I will take care of him."

October 26, 9532 BC

Styxx sighed as he returned to his tent to try and sleep. But honestly, his head hurt so much he wasn't sure if he'd be able to manage a single nod. Outside, his men and the rest of their Greek armies were celebrating fiercely. Styxx considered joining them, but he didn't want to risk being mocked or rejected again. He'd had enough of being judged for things he could neither help nor change.

After Styxx's bath, Kreon had gifted him with the fine silk stola and wool chlamys he wore and enough treasure to please even Styxx's volatile father.

For himself, Styxx had only taken one thing. A small gold ring he wanted to give to Bethany when he saw her again. He wore it on his pinkie so that he wouldn't accidentally lose it.

While she didn't normally wear anything more than the necklace she'd given him and occasional bracelets or armbands, he wasn't sure if it was because she didn't like other pieces of jewelry or couldn't afford them. But he hoped she smiled over the ring.

Just don't stab me for the gift.

He poured himself a kylix of wine. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something flash. He jerked his head to find a beautiful golden man inside his tent. There was a glow to his skin that Styxx had only seen on two others....

His blood ran cold.

"Are you a god?"

The man smirked. "Are you asking me ... or do you remember me?"

Styxx's stomach clenched with dread. No ... it couldn't be.

Surely not after all this time.

The wine cup slipped from his hand as the god's teeth elongated. Styxx tried to run, but somehow the god held him immobile.

"Strange how swiftly time moves forward when you're immortal. I had no idea that my little prince had grown into such a fierce, handsome warrior that he could take down a psychic army and kill two of their strongest heroes ... one of whom was a demigod."

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