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Styxx (Dark-Hunter 22)

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In a completely different form than the one he'd had at the Dionysion, the god closed the distance between them and gave Styxx a cold, evil smile. "And you're so much more beautiful and delectable with hair and ripped muscles."

He grabbed Styxx's head and jerked him against his side. "You have killed a member of my family this day, little prince. That is something I cannot and will not let pass. This time, there will be no bargaining. And I will show you no mercy."

The Olympian dragged Styxx over to the table and threw him against it so that Styxx was facing a mirror where he could see himself and the god who held him down by the scruff of his neck. A tic worked in the Olympian's jaw as he glared at him with potent fury. He ruthlessly pulled the stola up until Styxx was bared to him.

In the reflection of the mirror, he locked gazes with Styxx. "As you ravaged my army today, I'm going to ravish every part of you. And every time you feel me violently take you, prince, I want you to remember which of us is the god and which is nothing but a pathetic piece of human waste."

October 27, 9532 BC

"Highness, the men are wanting-" Galen's voice broke off at the sight of Styxx lying on the floor of his tent.

Styxx couldn't move. He could barely breathe. Every part of him felt as if it'd been pulverized. He could only imagine how he must appear. Completely naked, he stared at his arm, which was covered with bruises and blood. No doubt he looked like that all over.

Except for his face. The god had taken great care to leave his face undamaged....

"Styxx?" Galen breathed as he carefully rolled him to his back.

His breathing labored, he met his old tutor's gaze. "Don't tell ... please."

Tears filled Galen's eyes as the old man pulled him gently into his lap, covered him with his cloak, and held him like no one had done since the night his father had cut open his arm.

I must look like total shit. He hadn't even known Galen possessed any kind of tender emotion.

Galen cradled Styxx's head to his chest and rocked him like a child. "I would never betray you, my prince."

Only then did Styxx relax. As long as no one knew, he could find a way to live with this as he lived with everything else that had been done to him.

"I should never have left you unprotected. I assumed you would stay with the others and celebrate your victory, but I should have known you better." Galen placed a fatherly kiss to his brow. "I heard from the men that you felled the grandson of a god and I've seen their retribution before. I should have warned you, my lord. I am so sorry."

Styxx patted his arm. "It's all right ... I can be taught."

Galen gave him a bitter smile. "You are the best pupil I've ever had." And I love you like a son, boy....

Styxx's lips quivered as he heard Galen's thoughts. "I know we need to leave. I'm sure they're ready to pack the tent."

"You can't ride in your condition, Highness."

"I just need some water to bathe with. I'll manage the ride."


"Galen ... I won't keep them or you here. Let's go home." But home wasn't what he really craved returning to.

Then again, the only thing he craved right now was one single, unimpeded breath.

November 3, 9532 BC


Her heart quickened as she finally heard the deep, husky voice she'd been longing to hear. "Hector?"

He sat down beside her on her blanket and laid his head on her shoulder then he wrapped his arms around her.

By the way he breathed, she knew he was in a great deal of pain. "Were you wounded?"

He placed her hand on his wrist so that she could feel her necklace there. "Not cut, but bruised to the point I can barely draw breath. Of course, it didn't help that I rode ahead of all the others and snuck back here to see you as soon as I could."

She cradled him against her. "Did you really?"

He nodded. "Night and day. I wasn't tired at all, until now."

She kissed his brow and savored the scent of his skin. "Does your head hurt?"

"Like I've been kicked by my horse."

"Then lie down in my lap and let me see if I can help."

"You already have."

She smiled at him as he complied, but her smile died at the sound of his pain and the way his breathing intensified. He hurt so much, he was absolutely shaking. "I heard you won," she said, trying to distract him from it.

"We did."

Brushing her hand through his hair, she felt several large bumps on his head. Careful not to touch them, she massaged his temples and scalp as best she could. "Were you scared?"

His breathing came easier now. "Petrified. But I would only admit that to you."

She paused as she touched a cut on the back of his head where it felt like he must have fallen against something. "I heard Prince Styxx was the battle's hero. Did you see him?"

He was quiet for several seconds. "I did."


"Should I be jealous that you're so interested in the prince? I thought money didn't matter to you."

"It doesn't. I just wanted to know about this man who dared to pull my sweet Hector from my arms."

"Mmm ... I was too busy fighting to pay attention to him."

"Is it really true that he took no tribute, but rather had it divided between his men?"

He made a light sound that let her know he was slipping fast into sleep.

Leaning down, she rubbed her nose against his and savored the sensation of his breath on her skin. Even though it galled her that they'd been defeated, she was grateful her Hector was back and whole. It went a long way in soothing her ravaged ego. Still ...

She had a grudge to settle and she wasn't going to forget it. One way or another, Styxx was going to pay for what he'd done to them on the battlefield. And hers would be the hand that dealt the final blow to that arrogant little prick.

November 10, 9532 BC

Bethany laughed as Hector nibbled a scorching trail down her stomach until he took her into his mouth. Lifting her hips, she buried her hand in his soft hair while his tongue danced over her until she was breathless and weak. In just a matter of minutes, her body exploded into pure bliss. She cried out in ecstasy and still his tongue flitted over her until she was drunk from his masterful touch.

No one had a tongue like his....

Body either.

Slowly, methodically, he kissed his way over her, taking time to savor her breasts before he claimed her lips. She felt the tip of his erection pressing against her, begging for entry.

Desperate to have him inside her body again, she wiggled her hips. He deepened his kiss, and laced his fingers with hers then he took mercy on her and slid himself inside. Sighing in delight, she ran her free hand down to where they were joined so that she could feel his cock as he thrust against her hips.

Styxx sucked his breath in at the sensation of her hand on him. His sweet Bethany took him away from all the nightmares he didn't want to remember. From the horror of Apollo's attack. "I love it when you do that."

Smiling, she kissed him.

He should have gone home days ago, but he'd been holed up with Bethany in a small hostel on the outskirts of town where no one knew who he was. In truth, he had no desire to leave here.

To leave her.

She lifted her hips so that he went all the deeper inside her body. "I can't believe how hungry you still are."

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