Playboy Prince - Page 63

It defies reasoning.

Liam: I can wait. But if there's something you want to try, I want to try it with you.

Briar: I really need to get back to Preston.

Liam: Then promise.

Briar: Okay. I promise.

"You done, Liam? Or should we send the limo back to the restaurant?" Jimmy laughs at his own joke. "Maybe leave you alone in here for, say, three minutes."

All right, that's not bad. "Only need two, but no thanks." I slip my phone into my pocket. "I'll save it for tonight."

"Get amped on other ladies and bring it home. Classic."

All right, sure. What do I know about monogamy? Maybe guys get amped on strippers and bring the energy to their wives.

Maybe that's a perfectly healthy relationship.

It's not one I want, but maybe it will work for the poor woman Jimmy convinces to marry him.

"Not exactly." I shoot him a coy smile.

He cocks his head, not following. Then he shrugs it off, slams a glass of champagne.

The limo parks.

The driver pulls the door open. Helps Harrison out. Then Jimmy.

"He has no idea?" Simon asks.


"What you've planned?" he asks.

"You're talking to me?"

"I've been talking to you."

Right. I'm the one ignoring him. Because he's a secretive asshole.

But I'll know soon.

So it doesn't matter. Simon is Simon. He can't help it.

"You shouldn't keep secrets," I say.

"And yours?"

Yeah. That's where we always land. I've got no high ground. "You're an asshole."

"I'm aware."

"But this isn't the time. Let's truce."


"Yeah. Until after the wedding. I'll pretend I don't know you're keeping shit from me."

"And I'll do the same?"

"Yeah." I offer my hand.

He shakes. "Until then." He motions after you. "Does Harrison have any idea what you've planned?"

"Maybe. But Jimmy… can't wait to see the look on his face when he puts it together."

"He's as bad as you."

"Ten times worse."

He nods. "The kind of guy you could have become."

"What, without your expert brotherly advice?"

"You deny it?" It's true. I'm not a delusional chauvinist. I'm a reasonably-in-touch-with-reality man who respects women.

Is that thanks to Simon's seriousness, Adam's studiousness, Preston's softness?

Losing our parents?

I don't know.

I don't care.

"I'm just glad I'm not as bad as that asshole," I say.

"Me too."

"That's the nicest thing you've said about me in a while."

"Don't get used to it."

Except for bright pink letters spelling MANhattan, the venue resembles any other dive bar. A bouncer stands in front of a red velvet line, checking the IDs of a giggling group of girls.

Jimmy notices the short white dress one of them is wearing, but his attention goes straight to her ass. He misses the sash reading Bride to Be. Or maybe he doesn't care.

The girls giggle as they enter.

Jimmy moves to the bouncer. Presents his ID. "I don't usually see ladies at places like this."

The bouncer shrugs with disinterest. "We get all types."

"Right on." He turns to me. "You think your girl would show, Liam? I heard she promised Harrison a lap dance."

Simon chuckles as he shows his ID, moves past the velvet rope. "There's really no good response here. You insult Liam's fiancée either way."

"He suggested my fiancée is some kind of prison warden." Harrison takes his turn.

"You did say that," Simon agrees.

"I thought that was your kink." I wink at Harrison. Show the bouncer my ID. "Love is love. I'm happy you're happy. All that shit." I turn to Jimmy. "You ready?"

"I was born ready!" He fails to catch on.

Perfect. I pat his back. "Let's go."

He enters the venue first.

Smiles as he notices the crowd of women. The big, black stage. The stocked bar.

The bartenders—two built guys wearing only bow ties and hot pants.

The similarly dressed dudes at go-go poles.

The letters spelling out MANhattan Hunk City.

"This is a male strip club?" he asks.

"It is," I say.

Jimmy's entire face deflates. He eyes the room again. "All right, I can work with this. Lots of ladies here. They're gonna get amped and then…" He makes a thrusting motion with his pelvis.


Harrison takes in the scene with a smile. "Of course." He chuckles. "Liam. It's perfect."

"I thought you'd say that… just wait." I turn to my brother. "Simon, your assistance?"

He nods of course, grabs Harrison's right arm as I grab the left.

We guide him to the bar. Announce his status as the groom.

The bartender—the one in a purple wig—undoes Harrison's tie and shoves it in his pocket. Then he drapes a sash over Harrison's shoulder reading Groom to Be and places a penis-tipped tiara on his head.

"I can't wait until you're married and I can get you back for this," Harrison says.

"Me either." I smile. I expect some resistance to build but none does.

I mean it.

I really fucking mean it.

Chapter Thirty


"How is it going?" Preston asks. "Is Liam torturing my son?"

"Sorry." I set my cell on the table. But it's face up. The screen is still beckoning me. Promising teasing and dirty talk and maybe even a picture.

Tags: Crystal Kaswell Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024