The Christmas Deal - Page 12

“I’m not.” Fine, maybe he was. He wished like hell it didn’t bother him. For so many years he’d avoided big emotional commitments, and this bullshit was why. He’d been better off alone. “Speaking of family, what’s this retreat Angela mentioned? It sounded like she expected me there?”

Jenna and Seth shared a glance, frowning. Jenna said, “We actually don’t have the details yet. Let me just… I’ll be right back.” She jerked her thumb toward the door, leaving and closing it behind her.

Logan and Seth stared at each other. Seth dropped his eyes to his fingernails and leaned against the edge of a white board that had bullet points on it about meeting goals or some shit.

Aim high!

But be realistic

Ask for help when needed

Work as a team

Manage stress

We’re all in this together!

What a load of crap.

Seth cleared his throat. “Are you back at work on the railway? Jenna never said. I remember when you were in that terrible accident. I’m glad you’re better now.”

His cheeks going hot with shame, Logan stared at the ugly beige carpet. “Nah. Never going back. I’m looking for something else, but it’s a pain in the ass explaining it all to strangers.”

“Ah. I understand. I’m sure you’ll find something soon.”

Logan only shrugged, still unable to meet Seth’s gaze. Seconds ticked by in awkward silence, and thank Christ, Jenna returned quickly. She leaned back against the door and bit her lip.

“Well, the good news is that the company is paying for us to have a weekend in Lake Placid. Staying at a lodge, winter activities, etc.” She grimaced, and Logan braced and waited for the rest. She said, “The bad news is that they want our spouses and kids to come.”

Seth frowned. “When is it? Not this weekend but next? The weekend of the twenty-second?” When Jenna nodded, he half-laughed disbelievingly. “On such short notice? That’s ridiculous. People have plans—especially at the holidays. They have lives.”

Jenna gave Seth a wry smile. “Yes, some of us do.”

“I have a life!” Seth insisted. “Regardless, I’ll just say we can’t make it. Surely not everyone is going to drop everything and attend because Angela Barker wants us to jump when she snaps her fingers. Obviously we’re not going to ask Logan and his stepson to come on this retreat and play fake family for a weekend.”

Logan said, “Good. Can I go? If you want to tell the boss lady I’m your boyfriend, feel free. Just leave me out of this. I have enough crap on my plate right now.” He made a move toward the door, but Jenna blocked his path, her forehead creasing.

“Wait, what happened?”

He tried to laugh it off. “Nothing. Just stressed about the job situation. You know.” He had to figure out a plan before he dumped the latest disasters from his garbage life on her.

But Jenna didn’t budge. “I know that tone. Something’s wrong.”

There was a knock at the door, and she turned to open it, ushering in a shaggy-haired guy who whispered, “What’s going on? Becky said you guys were talking to Angela by the elevators and now you’re hiding in here.” He nodded to Logan and stuck out his hand. “Hey, man. I’m Matt. You’re Jenna’s brother, right?”

Logan shook his hand. “Right. I was just leaving.”

Matt gave him a quizzical look. “The weird thing is that Becky thought she heard that you and Seth are getting married?”

Seth groaned. “That means everyone will know in the next ten minutes.”

“No, it’s okay,” Matt said. “Becky’s holding it in for now. I figured I should buy you some time. So how exactly did you two end up engaged? I mean, mazel tov, but this is a surprise.”

Jenna quickly filled him in, then added, “We can just make up an excuse about why Logan and Connor can’t attend the family retreat.”

Matt winced. “Word is that when Angela springs these retreats on people, you’d better go unless there’s a life-or-death excuse. It’s completely unreasonable, but basically it’s a test. She’s paying for everything, which is generous, but the catch is that we only get 10 days’ notice, and we have to prove we’re BRK team players whether we’re single or married or whatever. And if you have kids, you should definitely bring them. I guess it’s not such a big deal when it doesn’t fall near the holidays. But it’s happening, and if she thinks Logan and Seth are together…”

“Which we aren’t,” Logan said. “Can I go now?” He needed to find another place to live before the landlord locked him out, and definitely before the kid got off school for the holidays. Had to find some way to put down a deposit. Crashing at Jenna’s would be the last resort.

Jenna groaned, ignoring him. To Matt, she said, “Angela also invited herself over to Seth and Logan’s for dinner.”

Tags: Keira Andrews Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024