The Christmas Deal - Page 15

“Fuck you! I’m not going anywhere.”

Logan’s voice rose. “Yes, you damn well are. We’re moving our shit over to Seth’s, and then I’m taking you back to school before curfew. So get a move on.”

Listening to the foul language in shock, Seth decided he’d better knock instead of eavesdrop, so he rapped his knuckles against the door. He knew he was laughably repressed when it came to cursing, but Logan and Connor just sounded so horribly angry towards each other.

When the door opened, Connor was still complaining loudly, but Seth blocked it out and focused on Logan, who ushered him in with a grimace. He wore a black T-shirt and jeans, the cotton hugging the firm, broad muscles of his chest and back. And jeez, his arms were nothing to sneeze at either. Seth had always thought Logan looked handsome in Jenna’s pictures, but in person he really was…wow.

“Hi. Sorry, it’s a bit…” As Connor screamed more curses, Logan winced, rubbing a hand over the scruff on his face with an audible rasp. Seth wondered what that would feel like against his own face.

“Chaotic?” Seth offered. “Moving always is.” He peered into the living room, which was still furnished with a plaid couch and a wooden coffee table. “You said the furniture isn’t yours?”

“Right. Rented a furnished place.” He glanced over his shoulder, dropping his voice. “When Veronica died, there were a lot of bills, and that was on top of what I still owed for my insurance copay on my hospital bills after the accident. Had to sell just about everything.”

Seth nodded, shame that he’d been ogling Logan twisting in his gut. The man’s wife died barely six months ago. Have some decency. “I understand. Well, I put the back seats down, so should be plenty of room for what’s left.”

“Thank you.” Logan winced at a thump from the direction of what had to be Connor’s room. “There’s still time to back out.”

A little voice did pipe up saying that Seth was biting off more than he could chew, but he couldn’t exactly leave Logan high and dry, now could he? He tried for an easy smile. “Nah, we made a deal. You’re helping me out just as much.”

Logan snorted. “Not sure if that’s true. But thanks.” He glanced down the hall. The cursing from Connor had faded. Logan still spoke softly. “I didn’t want to go through his stuff, so I picked him up after school to tell him in person. Give him a chance to pack up his things so he wasn’t completely blindsided.”

“Sounds like it’s been a barrel of laughs.” This earned him a sardonic smile from Logan, and Seth tried to ignore the sexy little dimples that appeared in Logan’s cheeks. Before Seth could say anything else, a gangly boy who needed a haircut appeared down the short hall. He wore uniform slacks and a white dress shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his bony elbows, his tie missing. He scowled at Seth.

“Oh, hello,” Seth said with a smile. “You must be Connor. I work with your Aunt Jenna. It’s nice to meet you.”

“She’s not really my aunt,” Connor muttered, crossing his arms.

“Connor,” Logan warned.

Seth smiled awkwardly. “Well… It’s still nice to meet you.”

“Whatever. I’m calling my dad, and he’s going to fly me to Florida for Christmas, so I’m not staying with you.”

Seth glanced at Logan, who only shrugged, his face impassive as he said, “Okay. Go ahead and call him.”

Connor glared. “I did. I left a message. He’ll call me back any minute. He’s probably still at work. He actually has a job since he’s not a loser like you.”

Waiting for Logan to scold Connor for the rude insult, Seth bit his tongue. But Logan didn’t rise to the bait, only saying, “In the meantime, keep packing.” He picked up a box in the hallway. “Seth, there isn’t too much to go into your SUV. It’ll mostly be Connor’s stuff.”

“Right. Uh, okay.” Seth fished out his keys and opened the front door for Logan, following him out into the snow. Flakes caught in Logan’s dark hair, his wide shoulders rigid as he walked out. At the SUV, Seth opened the back and said, “Don’t you want your coat?”

Logan’s muscles flexed as he pushed the box into the back. He straightened and blew out a long breath, his exhalation clouding in the cold air. “I’ll grab it in a sec. Just had to get out of there before we got in another fight.”

“Understood. I didn’t realize his father was still in the picture?”

Logan shook his head derisively. “He’s not—selfish piece of shit is what he is. He probably won’t even call back for days, and when he does, he’ll be full of excuses. But I try not to say a bad word about him to Connor.”

Tags: Keira Andrews Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024