The Christmas Deal - Page 50

After finishing a beer that Seth had poured into a glass for him, Logan shrugged into his coat to go fire up the grill, more than happy to escape the small talk. Angela had informed them the driver was arriving at nine since it was a “school night,” and Logan figured the guy would be right on time. He had to make sure dinner wasn’t late, and even though Pop had taught Seth the basics, he’d asked Logan to handle the barbecue.

“So you’re the manly meat griller?” Angela asked with a weird wink.

“Yep.” Logan had decided to just agree with everything she said.

She took a bite of a cracker with cheese. “Do you find the bisexual men are usually like that?”

At the sliding door, Logan shoved his feet into his boots. “Sure!” He escaped outside and turned on the gas, hoping the snowflakes drifting down wouldn’t get any thicker. He probably should have grabbed his gloves, his fingers going numb, the freezing air harsh.

His lungs hitched, and he fought back a flare of panic before exhaling in a plume of frost. He could still breathe. Everything was fine. It was all in his asshole head.


Logan poured more oil, brushing it onto the grill. It was fine that Angela had assumed it about him. Shouldn’t bother him if she thought that. It wasn’t him—he’d always been straight. But it was fine.

The oil sizzled on the metal, and he poured more, sloshing too much and getting it over his freezing hand. Snowflakes caught on the oil and melted.

Sure, he and Seth were getting off. And Seth wasn’t the first dude Logan had hooked up with. But that didn’t make him bisexual. That was for pretentious college kids trying to be adventurous or some shit. Didn’t apply to him.

He brushed on more oil, drops splattering all over the place. Maybe he was looking forward to being alone with Seth later, but it didn’t mean anything. Seth was awesome at sucking cock—which made sense since he was a real gay guy. Logan was only doing him a favor, but there was nothing wrong with enjoying it.

“How’s it coming?”

Logan jumped the way Jenna did when Pop came up behind and tickled her. Seth said, “Sorry to sneak up,” as he closed the sliding door behind him, his parka unzipped. He rubbed his bare hands, blowing into them. “Should it be smoking like that?”

“Shit,” Logan muttered. “Nah, bit too much oil. But it’ll burn off.” He’d messed up a simple job. Typical. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay. I’m sure you’ve got it all under control. You manly creature, you.”

Logan adjusted the barbecue’s shelf, his smile hurting his cheeks. “Right. I guess that’s me.”

Seth took Logan’s shoulder, strong and comforting and weirdly warm, even through the bulk of Logan’s jacket. “You okay? I know Angela is a bit…much with all her questions.” He smiled, and gritted out, “And I’m pretty sure she’s watching us now. It’s like she’s never seen a same-sex couple in their natural habitat.” He dropped his hand and whispered, “Not that we’re…”

Logan murmured, “I get it.” He could feel Angela’s gaze on them as well. Dale was probably bored shitless. Giving Seth a wink and a sly smile, Logan drew him closer, his arm slipping under Seth’s parka. He spread his hand on Seth’s waist and nuzzled his cheek.

Seth’s laugh was a little high-pitched. He whispered, “Should I pretend you’re saying something really dirty?”

Logan chuckled as he leaned back. “Always.” There were fat snowflakes caught in Seth’s dark hair, and Logan automatically brushed them away. Seth glanced up at the dark sky, and when he lowered his head, there was a flake right on his lower lip.

And Logan kissed it away before it could melt, barely a little press of his mouth on Seth’s. It was nothing—only a split second—but Logan couldn’t believe he’d just done it.

Chest too tight again, he dropped his hand from Seth’s back as he turned to the grill. He said too loudly, “Meat.”

Seth seemed frozen in place, more snow catching in his hair, the lips that Logan had just kissed parted. Blinking, Seth said, “What?” Then he nodded. “Steak. Yes! I’ll get the steak. We need to—yes, right. Dinner! I’ll get the meat.” He whirled around and almost tripped in his unlaced boots. He waved, and Logan realized Angela was definitely watching them.

She was smiling like a maniac, her hands pressed to her chest and shaking her head. Was she going to cry or some shit? As Seth opened the door, Logan could hear her exclaim, “Sugar, it’s so beautiful to see you two together. Like I always say, love is—”

The glass door slid shut, cutting her off. Logan fiddled with the grill, his heart pounding. It was all part of the act. Kissing Seth like that wasn’t anything. They had a deal. And Angela was eating it up, so it was working. That promotion was as good as done. Logan breathed a little easier. He wanted Seth to get the promotion. Seth deserved good things.

Tags: Keira Andrews Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024