The Christmas Deal - Page 59

“You still like robots?” Logan asked.

“Yeah,” Connor answered warily. In the rear-view mirror, Seth could see his gaze narrow and shoulders hunch. “It’s not just kid stuff, you know.”

Logan opened his mouth as if to bite back a response, then snapped his jaw shut. When he spoke, his voice was even. “Yeah, I remember that amazing robot you built.”

“That wasn’t from scratch or anything. I had instructions from the internet.” Still, Connor seemed pleased.

“You got it to wake up your mom one morning, and she screamed so loud I dropped the coffee pot.”

The tentative peace was shattered, Connor visibly retreating into his shell. “Surprised you were even there that morning.”

Logan opened and closed his mouth again, pressing his lips together. This time, he stared out the window and said nothing more, probably thinking silence was better than an argument.

Seth flipped on the radio, and “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus” filled the SUV. Cringing, he jabbed the button on the wheel with his thumb, changing the station until he found one playing regular music. It was “Highway to Hell” by AC/DC, a song that had been forbidden to him growing up.

He sincerely hoped they were on a highway to a far better destination this weekend.

At the Great Adirondack Lodge, Santa had come early. The man himself greeted the BRK Sync buses, passing out Lindt balls with a hearty “Ho-ho-ho!” In the early dusk, Lake Placid was a winter wonderland, its quaint, shop-lined main street aglow with holiday lights and wreaths, the snowbanks still fluffy and white and not splashed with mud and grime yet.

The lodge sat at the foot of the main street on the icy shores of Mirror Lake, the actual Lake Placid apparently nearby, but outside of its namesake town. The Olympic center was across the street, and Logan motioned to it.

“Pop would love to come here. The US beat Russia in hockey at the 1980 Olympics. One of his favorite moments in life.”

“Oh!” Seth said. “Yes, I’ve heard of that. We should take a look tomorrow. What do you say, Connor?”

Through a mouthful of chocolate, Connor mumbled, “Whatever.”

He’d sat in the back with some other kids on the two-and-a-half-hour bus trip. Logan had offered Seth the window seat, and he’d stared out at the snowy landscape, trying not to think about the occasional touch of Logan’s thigh against his, and how their shoulders brushed, the leather of Logan’s jacket smelling rich and enticing. Logan had leaned back and closed his eyes, although he hadn’t seemed to actually sleep.

Not that Seth had been sneaking glances at him or anything.

They trooped into the lodge, where a hotel staff member went through the list and handed out room keys. It took a while, and Seth was aware of the curious glances from his colleagues as he stood next to Logan. Connor had his face buried in his phone again, and Jenna was busy bouncing crying baby Noah while Jun wrangled Ian.

A shiver zipped down Seth’s spine as Logan leaned in, his strong hand finding the back of Seth’s neck above the collar of his unzipped parka. Logan whispered right in Seth’s ear, his lips almost brushing.

“People are real curious, huh?”

Seth nodded, not trusting himself to speak without squeaking.

Logan chuckled. “Pretend I’m saying something funny.”

Of course, in Seth’s mind he’d heard the echo from that day they’d run into Brandon, and he laughed slightly hysterically as he tried very hard not to think of Logan saying anything dirty. Now more people were looking at them, and Seth caught Angela’s eye across the crowd. A grin splitting her face, she waved and winked.

It’s all an act. All part of the deal. Now play along!

He did, he and Logan laughing at nothing and acting like they were engrossed in some secret conversation. Connor shot them the odd frown and eye roll, but Seth supposed that played right into their ruse, as most teenagers were embarrassed by their parents.

For a moment, as the hotel woman called out, “Marston family!” Seth let himself imagine what it would be like if Logan really was his fiancé and Connor their son. He had to catch his breath at the swift punch of longing and cursed himself for being a fool.

Their room was on the third floor of the lodge, and they rode the elevator in silence, Connor’s thumbs still flying over his phone screen. Once inside the room, he suddenly came to life.

“I get my own bed!” Connor launched himself at the bed by the window, throwing his duffel on top and then sprawling on the mattress. A little saying from childhood came to mind, and Seth half-expected Connor to add, “No take-backs!”

Standing in the entryway, there was a bar fridge, microwave, and coffee machine to the right, then a bathroom, and beyond that, the beds were to the right in the room, a long dresser with TV atop to the left.

Tags: Keira Andrews Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024