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The Christmas Deal

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Connor nudged Seth’s other side. “We won’t let you fall. If you do, you’ll take us all down.” He nudged Seth again. “Let go.”

Saying a quick prayer not to break any bones, Seth released the boards and took a tiny step. Then another. Connor’s small hand took his right, and with Logan on the left, Seth tentatively walked across the ice. He had their hands in a death grip, but they didn’t complain.

The skates hurt his feet, and his thighs burned from the strain of keeping steady, but he was making progress. Jenna, Jun, and Ian whizzed by with a wave, Ian between them.

“I’m like the five-year-old,” Seth grumbled. “Except Ian’s much better at this.”

“It’s okay,” Connor said. “We all have to learn stuff sometimes. Try pushing off some.” He demonstrated, gliding on his right foot and pulling Seth along. “It’s actually easier to go faster.”

Seth tried to mimic the smooth stride, almost pitching over onto his face. They patiently pulled him upright, and he tried again. And again. And again. As the Madonna cover of “Santa Baby” played, Seth was practically skating.

“I’m doing it!” he exclaimed, and then pitched forward, over-corrected back, and smacked onto the ice on his butt, yanking down Logan and Connor too with gravity’s help.

The three of them sat on their rear ends laughing, families skating by around them. “I’m sorry!” Seth shook his head. “Oh my lord, how am I going to get up?”

Connor was already on his feet, and Logan rolled to his knees and pushed upright. He said to Connor, “Dunno. Maybe we should leave him here.”

Connor blinked as if surprised to be in on a joke with Logan. He shrugged with forced nonchalance. “I guess. We can pick him up again after a few laps. He’ll still be here.”

It made Seth’s heart so glad to see them bonding, even if he was the butt—no pun intended—of the joke. He harrumphed theatrically. “Go on. Abandon me here to my fate.”

Matt and Becky skated by, and Matt howled with laughter, pointing at Seth, Becky rolling her eyes.

“Nah,” Connor said, and they took Seth’s hands again, pulling him to his feet and keeping him steady. “It’s more fun with you.”

Hand-in-hand, the three of them set off again, and Seth managed half a lap before slipping and pulling them down in a heap of laughter.

Dinner was over, but it seemed Angela had one more activity planned. Or least Dale did, as he instructed volunteers in setting up two rows of chairs in the middle of the open space in the dining room as hotel staff cleaned up the buffet tables.

Beside Seth, Logan eyed the game setup suspiciously. “What’s this, musical chairs or some shit?” He took another sip of red wine.

The room still smelled like roast beef and gravy, and Seth was stuffed. Connor had gone off with the other kids for a screening of Home Alone in a conference room, Angela promising them bean bags and candy and a popcorn machine.

“Logan!” Dale trotted over with a smile. “Been meaning to tell you that I sent your resume to Bob Ricci. He owns a statewide contracting company that’s done some work for Angela in New York City. He’s going to call you later this week after Christmas. He’s eager to do more work for Angela, so unless you royally screw up the interview—and I mean royally—he’ll have a job for you in January. He said he’s starting a new office renovation in downtown Albany. It’s perfect timing.”

“Wow.” Logan shot to his feet and stuck out his hand, pumping Dale’s vigorously. “Thank you.”

Seth grinned, barely resisting the urge to hug Dale for making this happen. Logan was beaming with joy, and Seth’s heart clenched to see it.

Logan said, “I promise I won’t take a dump on his desk at the interview.”

Dale tipped his head back and laughed. “You remind me of Angela. You both say exactly what’s on your mind. And remember, even though she got your foot in the door, you’re the one who’s going to walk through.” He nodded to Seth. “Merry Christmas. It’s been a pleasure meeting you both.”

Seth stood to shake his hand, and he and Logan shared a grin when Dale left. Seth squeezed the back of Logan’s neck, wanting to pull him close and kiss him, wanting to whirl him around in celebration even though Logan was probably too heavy for him to lift.

At the next table, Jenna bounced in her chair, she and Jun giving them a thumbs-up since they’d clearly overheard Dale’s news. Ian had gone to the movie, and Noah was with a hotel sitter for a few hours. Jenna had been sniffing her glass of wine loudly, apparently savoring every sip.

Logan sat back down heavily, smiling in a daze. “I might have a job.”

Seth squeezed his wrist, almost taking Logan’s hand. “You’ll nail the interview. I know it.”

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