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The Christmas Deal

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Of course, if Logan got a job, there’d be no reason for him not to move out in January like they’d agreed. That splashed cold water on his happiness, although Seth really did want Logan to get the job. He wanted Logan to get…everything. Absolutely everything.

He wanted to share everything with him.

We made a deal. Casual. No feelings. Stop making it into more.

Folding his hands in his lap, Seth tuned back in as Angela stood by the rows of chairs holding a long branch with red ribbon tied on it and a sprig of berries dangling off the end as if it was a fishing rod.

Waving the branch, she said, “Y’all know what this is, right? We’re going to play a fun little game for the grown-ups. It’s like musical chairs, but whoever’s left standing gives their sweetie a kiss under the mistletoe. Don’t worry, BRK is a family company and this is strictly PG. Maybe PG-13 if someone’s feelin’ saucy. Maestro?”

“Have a Holly Jolly Christmas” filled the air, and couples rose to circle the chairs, some clearly reluctant, others skipping along. Seth laughed as Matt dragged Becky up, but his smile froze as Angela pointed right at him.

She shouted, “Come on now! We need some diversity up here!”

Jenna and Jun tugged on Logan and Seth’s arms. Jun muttered, “If we have to do this, you have to do this.”

They made their way to the double row of back-to-back chairs. Seth gave Logan an apologetic smile, and Logan shrugged, smiling back as they joined the group circling the chairs.

The silence was sudden, followed by shouts and laughter as they scrambled for the chairs. Logan and Seth ended up a few apart, but both safely seated. Left standing, Miriam from IT pulled up a man Seth presumed was her husband and kissed him soundly as Angela held the mistletoe over their heads with her branch.

Everyone applauded, and the song started again, Burl Ives’s kind voice telling them to have a cup of cheer and kiss under the mistletoe. The game went on, Seth’s heart racing as they circled, waiting for the shock of silence to dive for a chair.

When he missed, it was Matt who grabbed it before him, his shaggy hair flying. He whispered, “Caper!” with a big grin. Logan stood and joined Seth, and Angela whipped the mistletoe over their heads with eagerness she didn’t try to hide.

“Now let’s hear it for our lovebirds!” she exclaimed.

Everyone clapped and hooted, and Seth felt like he was blushing all the way down to his feet in his leather shoes. Fidgeting, Logan’s smile was too tight.

Seth laughed nervously and stepped closer, giving Logan a lightning-quick peck on the lips. More clapping, and Seth waved and laughed, ready to escape back to the table.

Then Logan was blocking his way.

Then Logan was taking Seth’s face in his work-rough hands.

Then Logan was kissing him.

Then Logan was kissing him for real.

Not a peck. A genuine kiss—sweet and soft and sure all at the same time, pressing their lips together like there was nothing else in the whole world but the two of them. Nothing casual about it.

Head spinning, Seth clutched at Logan’s waist. His heart was thunder in his ears as the kiss went on, their mouths fused and his knees actually going weak. Logan smelled like musky earth and pine, and Seth melted into him.

When he gasped for air, he realized the thunder wasn’t only his heart—it was stomping feet and palms on tables, a swell of applause and support from everyone in the room. Seth’s skin prickled with the heat of so many eyes on him, but Logan’s warm gaze was the only one that mattered.

What’s happening?

Seth couldn’t look at anyone as he and Logan returned to their table. His heart pounded, his body thrumming with adrenaline and stubborn joy. And when Logan tugged his wrist, Seth followed him out of the dining room and into the elevator. Neither of them spoke, staring straight ahead.

The kiss had felt so real. But Logan was probably regretting it, fleeing to their room because he was done with this charade.

The hotel room was dimly lit and silent as the door shut behind Seth with a click. His heart thumped as Logan turned to regard him seriously in the narrow entryway. Logan opened and closed his mouth, frowning.

Then he kissed Seth again, this time his tongue thrusting past Seth’s lips as he grabbed him. Seth could only moan, meeting Logan’s tongue, wet and insistent, tasting of gravy and wine and perfection.

“Want you,” Logan muttered against Seth’s mouth, their kisses broken only by little gulps of air.

“Oh!” He hummed with desire, and as Logan dropped to his knees like he had that morning, Seth thumped back against the door, already hard, and—

He gasped and jerked up ramrod straight, his fingers digging into Logan’s shoulder, staring in horrified disbelief at Connor, who’d appeared by the end of the far bed. They’d left the bedside lamp on before going down for dinner, and it partly illuminated Connor now, half of his face creased and confused, the rest in shadow.

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