Rushed (Adventures in Love 1) - Page 74

“Promise you’ll message me from time to time to let me know how you’re doing?”

“I will.” I clear my throat in an attempt to fight back the tears I feel creeping up my throat once again.

“I still love you. I know I shouldn’t say that to you, but I still do.” His eyes drop to his feet for a moment before he lifts his head to look at me once more. “I hope you get everything you ever wanted.”

Not trusting myself to not start sobbing, I nod, and he nods back before pulling his keys out of his pocket and heading to his car.

When he gets in behind the wheel, I lift my hand to wave, and he waves back before doing a three-point turn and taking off down the lane. As his taillights disappear out of sight, I look around, then head into my trailer to finish packing, feeling lighter than I have in weeks. Even a tad bit optimistic, because maybe, just maybe, he and I will be able to be friends again someday.

“It’s not too late to change your mind about moving,” Jade says quietly as her dad pulls in to park in front of her house, where I stayed last night, and I turn her way, feeling my stomach drop when I see sadness in her gaze as her eyes search mine. “But you’re not going to, are you?”

“No.” I shake my head. “I’m not going to.” I reach my hand out to her, and she wraps her pinkie around mine. Over this last month, one of the hardest things I’ve had to come to terms with is actually leaving the place I’ve always called home and the people who are my family. But even as difficult as it’s been, I know I’m making the right decision for myself, and my life. I know it’s going to take time to settle into living with Tanner, and I’m sure that we’re both going to have to do a lot of adjusting, but I feel whole when I’m with him, and there’s no way I’m going to deny myself that.

“I figured as much.” She lets out a deep breath. “I want to be selfish and to tell you that you’re making a mistake, but I can’t because I can see how much Tanner loves you and know that he’ll do everything he can to make you happy. I’m happy for you.”

“I love you.” My nose stings and my eyes burn.

“I love you too.” She looks over at me and sighs. “This isn’t even goodbye—I still get to spend the next few days with you.”

“I know.” I take a deep breath. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

“You’re such a girl.” She wraps her arm around my shoulders and pulls me into her side. “No crying, or mom will think I’m being mean to you.”

“Right.” I laugh, remembering when we were younger and how the two of us fighting would normally end up with her in trouble with Maisie or Bernard; then again, she was the one who typically started the fights between us.

“Are you two ready?” Bernard asks, opening the driver’s-side door. “I wanna get a coffee before we head out of town.”

“We’re ready.” Jade lets me go, and we both wheel my suitcases to the back of Bernard’s truck, then load up the few boxes I packed and get in. After stopping for coffee and some snacks, we hit the road.

Oh God, I’m going to puke. I hold my hand to my forehead as I pray for the nausea to pass.

“Are you feeling sick again?” Jade asks quietly after a few hours, and I slowly turn my head her way, afraid that any sudden movement will cause me to throw up. Since we’ve been on the road, I’ve gotten nauseated more than once, but thankfully we’ve been just about to stop to use the restroom or get gas each time.

“Yeah.” I turn one of the air vents my way, hoping the cool air will help.

“I’ve never known you to get carsick.”

“I haven’t before. I probably caught a bug after all the stress from moving.”

“Yeah, maybe,” she agrees, then mutters, “or maybe you’re pregnant.”

“Don’t say that,” I hiss. My heart starts to hammer away inside my chest, because I thought the same thing after I realized I haven’t gotten my period yet—something I normally would have gotten a week ago. I glance toward the front seat, thankful that Maisie is asleep and Bernard is distracted by singing along to the radio.

You’re on birth control. You can’t be pregnant, I remind myself.

“I’m not pregnant.”

“Okay,” she says, not sounding convinced. “Do you want Dad to stop at the next rest stop? Maybe if you get out and walk around, you’ll feel a little better.”

“No,” I reply. “We’re so close.” I glance at the GPS. “I should be able to hold out another hour.”

Tags: Aurora Rose Reynolds Adventures in Love Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024