Queen (Bloodline Vampires 3) - Page 41

This is, I realize, the first time Malachi and I have been alone in quite some time. I run my hands up his chest and look into his dark eyes. “There are more ways tomorrow could go wrong than there are ways it could go right.”

“I know.” He cups my face and drags his thumb long my lower lip. “But we’ve survived impossible scenarios already. What’s one more?”

“That logic is so incredibly flawed.”

He gives a brief smile. “It’s the only logic I have.”

I don’t understand how he can be so steady, so unafraid, so sure things will work out. “Even injured, my father is a significant threat. He’s stronger than me, faster than me, and—”

“He’s not more determined than you.” Malachi holds my gaze. “He’ll be fighting for his life. You’ll be fighting for so much more.” He presses a kiss to my forehead. “We won’t leave you to do it alone. All three of us will be fighting our way to you. You just need to survive until we get there.”

Survive and prove I’m strong enough to rule.

I tuck myself under his arm. “Lizzie asked a question earlier…”

I don’t know if it’s the bond or merely Malachi’s intuitiveness that has him sensing the direction of my thoughts. “About the baby’s father.”

“Yes.” It’s something I didn’t even think could be an issue, mostly because I’ve only be focusing on the immediate future and survival. But the fact remains no matter what magic is capable of, science reigns supreme when it comes to eggs and sperm and the like. Which means that this baby has a single biological father. It’s strange to think of it as a baby. I’ve barely come to terms with the fact I’m pregnant, let alone what the end result will be.

Still, the last thing I want to do is cause harm if I can avoid it. I just don’t know if I can avoid it. “I don’t want anything to come between the four of us. It feels like every time we find some measure of peace, we get kicked in the teeth and something happens that messes everything up. I don’t—” I take a deep breath. “I said I want to keep the pregnancy and I meant it, but I also don’t want the baby to be a point of contention.”

Malachi smiles gently. “Come, little dhampir. Do you really think so little of us that we’d fight over a baby like dogs with a bone?” He sifts his hands through my hair. “That baby is ours. All of ours. The genetics and powers matter little.”

Some tension I didn’t realize I was carrying leaks out of me. I press my forehead to his chest and let him hold me for a few beats. “I want this to work.”

“I know. It will.”

There’s plenty for me to fear. I should focus on what happens tomorrow, for one. But I can’t help spinning out a future with several children, with a family that’s built on love and respect instead of fear and threats. I have a chance at that future with Malachi and Rylan and Wolf. We just have to survive long enough to take it.

“Okay.” I lift my head. “Okay. Thank you.”

“I love you.” He says softly, as if it’s a simple truth and not one that rocks me every time those three little words leave his lips. “I love them, too. We are a unit, Mina. All four of us. I know this hasn’t been an easy journey and it’s not likely to get easier, but we will prevail.” His hold on me tightens before he seems to force himself to relax. “We will cut down anyone who threatens our future. Anyone.”

With that kind of promise, what can I do but return it. I go up on my tiptoes and press a kiss to his lips. “Starting tomorrow, with my father.”

I half-expect a night that feels like our last night in this world, but everyone is sober and distracted. Malachi keeps his arms around me, but both Rylan and Wolf pass by with casual touching as we settle down for the night. They’re all too wired to sleep, but I can feel it pulling at my eyelids, a tyrant lord demanding their due.

“You need to eat.”

It takes me a moment to realize Malachi is talking to me. “I’m not hungry.” It’s not strictly true. My stomach is empty and craving blood, not food. But considering how Malachi’s reacted to that fact so far, I don’t think he’ll welcome the news. Not to mention part of me is scared to feed that way again. What if I lose control? Our plan is too carefully balanced to have one of the men out of commission because I went too far and drained too much.

“Little dhampir.” He shakes his head. “I might not understand what’s going on, but that doesn’t mean I’ll allow you to go without.”

Tags: Katee Robert Bloodline Vampires Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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