Rare Vigilance (Whitethorn Agency) - Page 38

“He’ll be back,” Atlas said.

Helias gave a wooden nod and dug out his cell phone. He walked away without another word, leaving Atlas alone with Cristian, a suspicious bag, and too many questions to know where to start.

Chapter Eleven

“We’re going to Nell’s,” Cristian said as Atlas pulled away from the house.

“Why did Helias say you only have two hours?” Atlas asked.

Cristian leaned against the window and tapped his knuckles against the glass. “That’s how long Father will be at the clinic.”

Atlas tightened his grip on the steering wheel. “And why do we have to be home before your father?”

“I might have told him I would stay at the house tonight.”

Atlas started to brake, already looking for a place to turn the car around. His actions earned him a vicious look from his passenger. “Don’t turn coward on me now,” Cristian said. “None of the others want to risk Father’s displeasure and Andrei had to go with him. I figured you were the only other person who might not be afraid to come with me.”

It was a childish taunt, but it worked. If he wasn’t positive they’d be able to get to Nell’s and back before Decebal returned, he would have been more conflicted about giving in to Cristian’s obvious manipulation. As it was, he put his foot back to the gas and returned to the original route that would lead them to the warehouse. “Why all the subterfuge?”

“Father’s going to be tightening his grip on things for a while. I don’t know the next time I’ll be able to see Nell and the others.” Cristian frowned, then admitted, “I need to know they’ll be okay.”

Atlas didn’t press further. All he could do was turn up the radio, keep an eye on the clock, and drive on.

Cristian finally spoke again as they pulled up in front of the warehouse. “Father thinks someone’s going to come after me soon,” he admitted, staring out the windshield at the building. “I was the last person from the family to visit the clinic they hit.”

Atlas swallowed. “That’s concerning.”

“I know.” Cristian took a steadying breath. “Come in with me?”

“If that’s what you want,” Atlas replied.

Rather than admit it, Cristian unbuckled and climbed out of the car. He retrieved the duffel bag and waited for Atlas to follow. He did, lost in quiet contemplation. Pieces of the puzzle were coming together slowly and he feared he was responsible for the picture forming. He’d given Jasper Cristian’s schedule, including the clinics he’d visited. Last night, when Atlas texted him and demanded action, Jasper had replied, Taking care of it.

He’d never thought to ask what it was.

It wasn’t Nell who answered Cristian’s knock. The vampire who peered out through the cracked door was far younger, with wary eyes that widened at the sight of the visitors. “Cristian,” he said with outright relief, swinging the door open. “I’m so glad you’re here!”

“Not for long, Samuel,” he said, handing over the bag. “We’re on a tight schedule tonight and—”

“Please! M-Mary went missing two nights ago,” Samuel said. He stumbled over the name, voice thick with emotion, and a guttural tug of warning drew Atlas closer to Cristian, who was entirely focused on the conversation. “We haven’t found her.”

“What?” Cristian breathed.

He swayed like the man had delivered a blow and Atlas reached out on instinct, pressing his hand to Cristian’s back to steady him. The smooth fabric couldn’t hide the slight chill of Cristian’s skin, or the way his ribs expanded and contracted faster with his shortened breaths. Atlas must not have overstepped his place, since Cristian didn’t draw away from his touch.

“She said she was hungry, but we didn’t know she’d slipped out until dawn. She didn’t come back.”

Cristian tensed beneath his hand and Atlas knew what he’d ask. He wouldn’t be able to deny the request either, not when he was partially responsible for whatever had happened. He shifted his hand higher, pressing his fingertips into the strong curve of muscle at Cristian’s shoulder blade. “We’ve got a little time,” he murmured. He focused on Samuel again. “Any idea where she may have gone?”

“She likes hunting two warehouses over,” Samuel said, pointing down the road they’d taken in.

“We’ll start there then,” Atlas decided. The decision snapped Cristian from his stupor. He offered Samuel a weak smile and said, “I don’t know when I’ll be back, so take care of Nell for me.”

“Of course,” Samuel promised. “Thank you for looking for Mary.”

Cristian followed Atlas back to the car, where he opened his trunk and pulled out his tire iron. He didn’t know if they’d need it, but he had no desire to walk into an unknown situation without some kind of weapon.

“What’s Mary like?” he asked Cristian. His flashlight wouldn’t illuminate, no matter how many times he shook it. The batteries were well and truly dead.

Tags: M.A. Grant Fantasy
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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