Nothing to Hide - Page 19

She thought of him outside last night, splashing around in the rain, and wondered if that little moment of messy exuberance would have been forbidden, too. Her own mom had plenty of rules, but they tended to pop up one day and be forgotten the next. The chaos theory of parenting. “I understand about tough family dynamics. I lose it if I spent much time back home anymore.”

“How long since you’ve been there?”

“Let’s see...” She made herself look gravely pensive. “What century is this?”

His laughter traveled easily over the water. “I’m telling you, you crack me up, Allie.”

His compliment pleased her ridiculously. “I was home at Christmas. But I had to be. I’d rather meet Mom or my brothers out somewhere.”

“Neutral territory. The old habits and roles can be escaped some. Plus there are witnesses if it comes to murder.”

“Yes, so useful.” She grinned at him. His gaze lit on hers, then drifted over her head back toward his property.

“Being back now, it does feel different.” He shrugged. “Too late, since we’re selling.”

“You have a buyer?”


“Then it’s not too late.”

“Mentally too late. I’ve let go. Erik has, too.”

She nodded. Not her business. But she thought they were nuts to let a place like this slip away.

“Ready to turn back?”

“Regretfully, yes.”

Jonas maneuvered his kayak so that he pulled up about a foot from hers. His dark curls had been buffeted by the wind into a bedroom-sexy mess. He pulled down his sunglasses and gave her a breath-stealing smile, blue eyes quiet and sincere. “I also like that you challenge me, Allie McDonald.”

She tipped her head coyly, heart fluttering. “That’s two things you like about me, Jonas Meyer. This is getting serious.”

“Is it? Two whole things?” He frowned. “That seems like an awful lot for someone like you. Too many, actually. Maybe I’ve gone over the edge.”

“You think?” Allie trailed her hand dreamily in the clear water, cupped her fingers and unloaded a nice cold spray on him. Before he could react, she dug in her paddle and headed back the way they’d come, giggling like a crazed fiend.

He followed, but where she expected retaliation, she got none. He couldn’t be angry over a little water. Maybe he was waiting for his chance. Maybe he used up all his playfulness the night before.

She turned to find him effortlessly keeping up with her. “Okay, okay. Score one for Allie. I deserved that. We’re even.”

“Yes!” Allie raised her fist triumphantly over her head. He pulled alongside her and they paddled much more slowly back to the beach.

“I’ll land first and help you.” Jonas slid the kayak up onto the sand, stepped out and pulled his boat farther up.

Help? Allie didn’t need help, she was now one of those expert kayaker women Jonas hung out with. She copied what he’d done, grounding her boat and stepping out into the shallow water. Easy, ha!

A wave caught the kayak and pulled, leaving Allie stuck with one leg in the sand, the other in a boat that was rapidly trying to move away.

She was not good at splits.

Just as she’d managed to get her second foot free and balance, he was there, strong arm holding her. Then his other arm came around her and he scooped her off her feet.

Jeez, overkill rescue. She opened her mouth to tell him she was fine, for heaven’s sake, when she found herself sailing through the air.


“Oh.” She staggered to her feet, sputtering. “Oh, you are so going to pay for that. ‘We’re even,’ he says.”

Without thinking, she rushed him as if he were one of her brothers and splashed with skill born of plenty of practice, until he waded in farther to avoid the assault. Just a little farther, a little farther...

Perfect. She gathered herself and leaped, catching him off balance.


His turn!

He gave a shout and struggled up, sunglasses knocked askew, and lunged for her. Ha! Amateur. She was already out of reach.

“You are good, Allie.”

“Five younger brothers.”

“Five!” He shook his head admiringly. “Erik did not train me as well as they trained you.”

“Are we even now?” She held out her hand.

“Even.” He took it and shook. “Though I am sooo tempted right now to—”

“Don’t you dare.”

He held her hand longer than was necessary, gave it a slight tug so she had to step toward him. “I like the tomboy in you, Allie MacDonald. It brings out...well, it’s great.”

“You’re going to give me a swelled head, Jonas Meyer.”

Tags: Isabel Sharpe Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024