The Rake's Wicked Proposal - Page 74

Lucian delayed answering her while she directed one of the maids to the bedroom the Duchess had already chosen as her own. ‘Darius and I had occasion to speak together after you had retired to bed last night.’

Grace turned to him sharply. ‘Indeed? And did you engineer that occasion so that I did not attempt to speak to Darius this morning?’ She was perfectly aware that by encouraging her to begin organising the Dower House for the Duchess’s habitation Lucian had taken her away from Winton Hall for the morning. And consequently from her meeting with Darius, too.

Lucian raised taunting brows, looking this morning every inch the haughty member of the ton that he undoubtedly was. ‘Charming as I find you, my dear Grace, I do assure you that I converse with others on topics other than you!’

He had meant to deal her a set-down, and he succeeded. Grace felt the warm blush that now coloured her cheeks. ‘Nevertheless, it appears that you and Darius did discuss me yesterday evening…?’

‘It was hardly a discussion.’

‘Then what was it?’

Lucian eyed her impatiently. ‘I suggest we retire to the garden and indulge ourselves with the picnic Cook has sent over for our lunch.’

He pointedly held the front door open, very aware, even if Grace was not, that several of the maids were working within listening distance of their conversation.

The carriage stood outside, where they had left it earlier, and Lucian collected the picnic basket and a blanket from inside it before heading for the garden at the side of the small manor house where the Duchess of Carlyne was to live. Grace was at his side as he chose a spot beneath the dappled shade of a willow before laying the blanket down on the grass to sprawl his length upon it.

‘I am waiting for you to do the honours, my dear.’ He looked up at Grace as she made no move to join him, instead reaching up to remove the deep grey bonnet that matched her mourning gown before shaking her dark curls free.

She remained standing. ‘And I am still waiting for an answer to my question.’

This young woman could give Arabella lessons in stubbornness! ‘Maybe if you were to feed me first…?’

Grace gave a rueful laugh. ‘You cannot possibly be hungry again so soon after that huge breakfast!’

Lucian had eaten a large breakfast earlier—mainly because neither he nor anyone else at the dinner table the previous evening had eaten much of the meal that had been set before them. The surrounding tension had not been conducive to a healthy appetite. Not so this morning, when only he and Grace had made an appearance in the breakfast room.

‘That was hours ago,’ he dismissed dryly. ‘Grace, has no one ever told you that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach?’ He lay back on the blanket to look up at her, his arms folded behind his head to act as a pillow.

‘I have never claimed an interest in your heart, My Lord!’ she came back starchily, but she nonetheless joined him on the blanket to begin taking meats, cheeses, bread and fruit from the basket.

Lucian picked up a green apple and took a crisp bite out of it. ‘It is the way to soothing a man’s temper, too.’

Grace arched dark brows. ‘Surely you do not have a temper, My Lord?’

He gave an appreciative grin. ‘In the same way that you do not, perhaps?’

She gave a gracious inclination of her head. ‘Then you must be the most amiable of men!’

Lucian threw back his head and gave a shout of laughter, suddenly arrested by the sound as he realised he’d not had occasion for such amusement in a very long time. Years, in fact.

Grace had given him laughter rather than the cynical amusement he had become accustomed to feeling…

She had given him much more than that, of course. But Lucian veered away from dwelling too deeply on his emotions.

‘Oh, definitely the most amiable of men,’ he agreed mockingly.

Grace was disappointed to see the return of his usual mockery.

Lucian had looked so boyish when he’d laughed so spontaneously. So handsome, so—so—Perhaps she should not think of how her heart had swelled with love for him as she had watched the laughter light up his eyes, or how kissable were his lips when relaxed into that amused smile!

Tags: Carole Mortimer Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024