Executive Engagement - Page 193

“Values?” I turn her chin toward me and try to read her face. “Whose values are you upholding, Layla?”

Something tells me they aren’t necessarily hers. Someone with a prudent moral code wouldn’t have just had sex in a public place, let alone a quiet, exclusive restaurant.

Just then the limo pulls to a stop in front of what must be Layla’s building, and she doesn’t answer me.

“Nice digs.”

She smirks. “Yeah, can you believe it? A government agency pulling out all the stops on a place for me to live?”

Layla reaches for the door handle, but I stop her, placing a hand over hers and pulling her back toward me.

“Not so fast.” I slide my hands around her waist and grip her hips, lowering my mouth to her ear. “Is the verdict in yet? Have I been proven guilty?”

She threads her fingers in my hair and pulls me tighter to her when I start to nibble on her neck, u

sing just a hint of teeth. I’m rewarded with a shiver racing through her body.

Pulling back slightly, she gives me a wicked grin. “Yes, Mr. Kent. You're definitely a very bad boy. I think you’re one hundred percent guilty as charged.”

“That’s what I thought,” I growl.

Then I lower my mouth to hers and kiss her softly. Her lips part with a sigh, and I sink in deeper to the kiss as she melts against my chest. Our tongues tangle and stroke, slowly and languidly, and I wonder if she might invite me up for another round.

But then she pulls back and gives me a saucy little smile. The sass is back. “You better clean up your act or you just might be looking at some serious punishment.”

I laugh. “Yeah right. I’m as filthy as they come, baby, and you know you wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“Goodnight, Jacob.”

I shake my head. Jacob. This woman still insists on calling me Jacob.

“Night, Layla.”

I watch until she’s disappeared inside her swanky building, and then get lost in my thoughts as my driver continues down the streets of New York, taking me home. I really enjoyed tonight. Every bit of it. Not just the fucking, though that was fucking incredible. I like debating with her just as much. Having a real conversation with someone that actually meant something.

I think I could get used to that. I wonder when I’ll see her again. After a night like this, I know I haven’t had enough.


I step into the shower and let the hot water pour down over me from the rain shower jets, my mind running over everything that happened tonight.

I can’t believe I had sex in such a public place. I told Jake the first day I met him that he must have a thing for voyeurism. Who knew that I did too? That was so crazy hot. Just the thrill of getting caught made everything a hundred times better. Honestly, that was probably the best sex of my life. No, I take that back. There’s no probably about it.

Sex with Jake was absolutely, positively the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever done. And I want to do it over and over again.

I slick myself up with soap, imagining my hands are Jake’s, wishing he were here with me right now. I almost asked him to come up. He seemed like he might've wanted to.

But I’m confused now too. I don’t know what to think anymore. When I first started this job for Lori, I thought I could put aside my doubts about her prudish attitude. After all, it’s just a job. Just another show to censor.

Now I’m not sure censoring A Cunning Linguist is actually the best idea. What if it’s not the right thing? What if I’m making a huge mistake following Lori blindly on this whole fining business? Today was eye opening. The way Jake really and truly seemed to care about the women he was selected for his show was the last thing I expected. He really believes in his cause—it’s not just lip service to make him look like he’s not an asshole who just tried to seduce women on national television.

I’m starting to wonder what the women who’ve been on his show feel like after he’s shown them what they’re missing out on. This time for real—not because I want to use their experiences against Jake.

I actually don’t want to use anything against him at this point. This entire situation hasn’t turned out at all like I expected. Yeah, I thought Jake was hot from day one, and yeah, I might’ve been kidding myself when I said any research into what he’s really like was just for business. I totally wanted to bang him. Why lie about it now?

But now that I have, I’m feeling all kinds of chaos and confusion in my mind. If I’m being completely honest with myself, what I’m really doing is developing feelings for Jake. I’m not sure what it means, or why, but I can’t just deny it.

Not only was he able to handle my body like no other man ever has before—and OMFG did he know how to handle it—but there’s something else there. Something more.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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