Executive Engagement - Page 219

I hear Jake groan, a low, growling sound that rises up from his body. I clasp my hands behind his neck and start to pull myself closer to him, because I know that he’s getting close to his own orgasm.

The strokes shorten, and I know that he’s almost over the edge of pleasure now, too, and I want to take him there. I want him to come at least half as much as I have tonight; I want him to experience the ecstasy that he’s brought me now. This is the grand finale, after all the fucking we’ve done tonight…we’re both about to melt from all the orgasms we’re having, but we’re not quite done, yet. He’s building me up, and he’s pushing himself to the edge, too.

His finger takes over my clit, and I cry out. The heat that he’s been stoking within me finally washes over me as the next orgasm finally releases and takes over my thoughts. I fall apart on the bed, coming utterly undone at the sensations that have all built through my body and are taking over, coursing through me. Jake’s hand presses against my clit, and it’s like my orgasm pushes him over the edge and sets off his own. We’re a chain reaction of desire, one firing the other off.

Jake’s cock twitches inside me and his cock explodes into me, and with a deep groan, he falls forward, catching himself on his hands on either side of my body. He trembles as he empties himself inside me, filling me up with what must be another gallon of cum. The man comes more than any man I’ve ever known, and I love the feel of him heating me up inside. I gasp, my walls clenching around him, and I’m hyperaware of his cock jerking inside me. My body does what it’s created to do and milks him of every drop of his lust, spasming in rhythm with him, until, finally, the orgasm releases me and I’m more spent and more satisfied than I have ever been in my life.

Jake collapses on top of me, breathing hard, and my heart hammers against his ribs. His chest rises and falls in time with mine and I remember, we dropped the ‘L’ bombs. We love each other. We just fucked so hard after we said ‘I love you’ to each other. A warmth spreads through my body and I think about just how much I do love him. And he loves me. I am so happy that my heart could hammer and beat right out of my chest right now.

Jake looks up at me and smiles, and I wonder if he’s thinking the same thing. He pulls his hips backward and slips out of me, already softening, and he kisses my forehead. When he lies next to me, I feel more blissful than I ever have in my life. I love this man. I love Jacob Kent, the Cunning Linguist, and the man with whom I am actually capable of having completely unrestrained sex with, even if I don’t have an audience. It turns out your own personal chorus of joy inside your head and more orgasms than there are days in a week can be just as satisfying.

I get off the bed and walk to the bathroom to clean up. When I return to the bed, his arm wraps around me and I listen to his heartbeat as I fall asleep, realizing we’ve spent hours fucking.

For so long that I’m not just tired from the sheer energy we expended but because we fucked the evening away. And I couldn’t be happier about it.


The next day in my office, I’m telling Layla about letting Toby guest host the first episode of ACL after the hiatus, and the look of relief on her face is almost amusing.

“I hate to sound like some jealous girlfriend,” she says, her cheeks flushing. “But I was really going crazy thinking about you and Meghan Mitchell.”

I shoot her a cocky grin. “Were you?” I like the way she kinda, sorta called herself my girlfriend in a roundabout way.

“Yeah,” she admits, wrinkling her nose. “Not that I’m jealous or anything. Or even your girlfriend,” she adds hurriedly. “I hope you know I totally respect your job and that I’d never get in the way of it."

It’s kind of cute the way she’s fumbling for words. “For the record, I love you, remember? So yeah, I’d definitely call you my girlfriend. And you’ve obviously come around and seen the light,” I tease. Just a while ago she told me about the report she submitted to her boss. She recommended that the FCC drop the push for fines and let the show run as planned. We don’t know yet how that will pan out, but I feel confident.

Just as I’m about to tell her about the plans for the show I came up with last night, right before she distracted me with those crazy hot sexts, Toby comes striding into the room.

I cock an eyebrow at him and huff out a laugh. “Dude, what’s crawled up your ass and died?”

He throws a paper down on my desk. “Check this shit out.”

Reaching for the paper, I glance at Layla, who looks just as baffled as I feel. Toby isn’t one to get all worked up so easily. He’s pretty cool and easygoing. But right now his face is bright red and I swear steam might start coming from his ears at any moment.

“What is it?” I say, looking it over quickly. It looks like one of the millions of letters we receive from women wanting to be on the show. “Some applicant has pissed you off?”

“I was looking through some of the old letters we had filed away and found this one. It’s from Lori.”

“Lori?” Layla gasps. “My boss Lori?”

“The very same,” Toby says through clenched teeth. “I thought her name sounded familiar when the lawyers mentioned it the other day. I couldn’t shake this feeling that I was missing something. All this bullshit with the FCC and the network heads and lawyers was so much more aggressive than I expected, so I did some research. Look,” he says, gesturing at the letter.

I scan it more closely this time. Yeah, it’s from Lori all right. It talks about her divorce and how she’s spent so much of her life building her career that she never took time for herself. She was one of the many who could benefit from my show. Unfortunately, we just don’t have the capacity to host them all. We didn’t choose her, obviously.

I look up from the letter and meet Layla’s eyes, handing it over to her. I can almost feel my blood boiling. My jaw ticks as I process what this means.

“This is crossing a line,” I say to Toby, standing from my desk to pace my office. Every step I take only fuels my anger. This is big. Not just big. Fucking huge.

“Tell me about it,” Toby rants, my anger only fueling his own. “She’s pissed off that we rejected her, so she comes after us? What the fuck?”

“It’s about revenge,” I muse, stopping and narrowing my eyes as I think. “Lori’s using her position of authority to get back at us. Unacceptable. I’m going straight to legal right now. If they want to make this a public shit show, things are about to get really ugly. Let’s see how the public feels when they find out that not only are they being treated like children who need censorship, but the fucking agency that’s calling the shots has ulterior motives.”

I start toward the office door, Toby right on my heels. In this moment, we’re more of a team than ever. Solidarity and all that. We’re going to go blast this bitch and make her regret ever trying to take us down.


I stop with my hand on the door at the sound of Layla’s voice. She sounds concerned, but there’s something more in her tone. Sadness. It’s enough to give me pause, and I turn around to face her.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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