Executive Engagement - Page 241

ing undone—perhaps he doesn’t—and he lets go of my hair; I let my head fall against the mattress and scream into the sheets, a convulsion of pleasure taking over me. He holds his position, his cock buried deep inside my pussy as my muscles burn under the fires of ecstasy. I ball my hands into fists, the soft fabric of the sheets bunched up between my fingers as a violent orgasm runs through me.

It’s the first time I’m with him, and he has already made me come three times. Sure, I know that being with New Kingston’s Mayor is a bad call… But every thrust of his just makes it feel like the best decision of my life.

"I know it’s wrong," he whispers into my ear, almost as if he could read my mind. "But it feels so fucking right."

I say nothing to that. What can I say, after all? I could moan a "yes," but the fact that I’m lying down completely naked while he has his way with me should be the only reply he needs.

"This was…" I mutter, slowly opening my hands and letting go of the sheets. "This was perfect."

"We’re not done," he says rather harshly, sliding his cock out of me and slapping me across the ass. A feeble moan leaves my lips as I feel his hand hitting my ass, the sound of flesh on flesh waking my body up again. I grit my teeth as he smacks me again with the back of his hand, pain turning into pleasure as it travels to my brain.

Instinct guiding me, I support myself on my elbows and go on all fours, jutting my ass back at him. I look over my shoulder for a split second, just enough time for me to see him on his knees, grabbing his cock as his hungry eyes focus on my soaked pussy lips. This time he doesn’t even bother with feeling my pussy with his fingers; he simply laces my waist with one arm, using his free hand to guide his cock home. His thickness is in me in an instant, his shaft sliding between my folds and pushing back against my insides once again. Arching my back, I angle my body so that he goes deeper than before, the tip of his cock tapping that secret spot inside of me, pleasure whipping my body with the fury of unbridled sin. Purred moans leave my mouth, but it doesn’t take long for them to turn into screams once more, each of his thrusts forcing me to unleash that wild and primal side of me.

Boiling pleasure crawling under my skin, I feel on the edge again, my mind one step away from oblivion. And still he thrusts, his hard throbbing cock pushing me closer toward a climax so strong I don’t even know if I can survive it. It looms on the horizon, threatening to completely demolish me, and I wait for it, eager and anxious.

When it finally comes, it fulfills all of its promises; my muscles twitch and tremble, sweet ecstasy coursing through my veins as my body convulses. I’m breathing out through my gritted teeth, my throat too exhausted to produce anything stronger than a feeble croak. But Liam’s not too far behind me; three hard thrusts and he stills himself, his fingers digging deep into the flesh of my hips as he keeps his spasming cock sheathed inside my pussy.

My body still moving erratically from the orgasm, I collapse on top of the bed; he follows after me, his body pressed on top of mine as he coats my insides with a torrent of warm cum. We remain like that for God knows how long; his frozen body on top of mine as sibling orgasms takes us as hostages. He keeps cumming for what seems like forever, filling me up to the brim... And then he cums some more. He keeps spurting until thick strands of semen drip out of my pussy and down my thighs, spoiling the sheets with proof of what we’ve done.

After an eternity of ecstasy, he’s finally done. He pulls out from me slowly, each inch that slides out of me drawing a purr out of my lips. I expect him to collapse on the bed by my side, utterly and completely spent, but that’s not what he does; instead, he squeezes both my ass as he leans into me, pressing his mouth against my cum-soaked pussy. I tremble as I feel his tongue running up and down my inner lips, scooping his own seed, and my eyes roll in their orbits as he greedily sucks my folds into his mouth. Licking and sucking, he only stops when my pussy is cleaned dry, all of his load taken care of.

Liam finally lying by my side, I open my eyes to face the man who has given me the best fuck of my life. His lips are glistening, thick drops of cum dripping down his chin. With a tired smile, I press my mouth against his, parting my lips as his tongue slides inside; our tongues wrestling, we swap the thick strands of semen he held inside his mouth, his salty flavor inundating me at once. When I open up my eyes again, he’s running one hand through my hair, looking at me with a tender but mischievous expression on his face. There are a few drops of cum still hanging on his chin so, never taking my eyes off of his, I reach for them with my tongue and scoop them up, swallowing all of his fluids with a satisfied grin.

"Vivian…" he whispers against me, "This was fucking perfect." I simply smile back at him, knowing that words can’t do justice to what happened between the two of us.

When I arrived in New Kingston I was already aware of the kind of man Liam was supposed to be… But nothing prepared me for the perfect sexy God I found leaning against the counter of a bar. And now here I am, naked and deeply satisfied... against every rule, law, and protocol.

And it feels amazing.

New York Daily Journal


From the desk of Editor-at-Large, Michael Anders.

As Mayor of New York City, I have a unique insight. As the owner of my paper, here are my thoughts…

In what’s turning out to be the spectacle of the year, rumors are now flying that New York State’s junior Senator to Washington is now getting involved in the feud between Governor Carter and New Kingston Mayor Liam Jeffries.

Rumors began to fly Friday when the Senator was photographed with the Governor at a Midtown Manhattan restaurant that was hosting a fundraiser for the Governor sponsored by China National Bank. The two were seen talking, arm in arm, at many points. Speculation as to a romantic interest between both leaders, who are single, was rife after the party. Further speculation that this was due to the potential conflict between the Governor’s Clean Air Bill and Mayor Jeffries’ quest to bring back jobs to his state simply seemed to add fuel to the fire.

The rumors surrounding Vivian Hawthorne reached a fever pitch when local residents reported that she had been sighted speaking to Mayor Liam Jeffries the next day at a local tavern in New Kingston. The two seemed to residents and observers to be familiar and enjoying an intimate setting.

The Mayor of New Kingston has made interactions at taverns, bowling alleys, Little League and Pee Wee football games a hallmark of his administration's quest to connect with ordinary citizens. This has made him accessible to many constituents as per his proponents, while his detractors in the Governor’s office claim that the mayor has consequently lost sight of the bigger picture.

Vivian Hawthorne herself has not been one to shy away from the spotlight. At 29, she is the youngest Senator to serve in the history of the United States. But at times, she has been the center of—and indeed—courted close scrutiny. The daughter of a wealthy New England private banker, Vivian has nevertheless always sought to choose her own path, entering politics, and more recently, ending her affiliation with the Republican Party. Prior to ending her political affiliation, Senator Hawthorne was a registered Democrat.

When asked regarding her relative disloyalty to either party, the Senator has often commented that "America won’t find solutions by sticking to the causes of the problems." When challenged during a town hall meeting for her classification as an Independent, the Senator showed that she had the ability to stand up for herself when her reply to a verbal assault was, "Get the fuck out of here," before instructing her security personnel to forcibly eject her heckler. Indeed, the Senator has often flouted traditional norms of behavior—especially behavior that is still expected of women. A self-proclaimed, ‘strong woman’, the Senator has been seen and linked romantically to a variety of high profile men, including the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, several Fortune 500 CEOs, notable figures in the world of sports, as well as many A-list Hollywood actors. When asked regarding her very ac

tive dating life, the response that many have gotten has been a simple shrug and a comment of, "I like sex – what can I say? I want to have sex with winners, not losers."

Indeed, the outspoken nature of the Senator has many people watching the situation speculating that a simple feud between a small town mayor and a very liberal Governor may explode like nothing the state has ever seen. It remains to be seen if they predict correctly.


"Bastards," I mutter, throwing the newspaper down on top of my desk. The impact of it makes my pen roll onto the ground. What’s the use of passing legislation if people think they’re just going to circumvent it?

And why is Senator Hawthorne holding secret meetings with Liam Jeffries? Who does Liam think he is? I can feel my pulse quicken in irritation. I take a deep breath and pull a bottle of Bourbon from a small drawer in my desk. I keep a secret stash for moments like these. I picked it up—bourbon—after the Persian Gulf. Makes everything easier to deal with.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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