Executive Engagement - Page 276

The sidewalks are full with people going on about their day, the intricate Albany politics nothing more than a footnote to their personal lives. It never ceases to amaze me how the fate of millions are decided by a handful of people, and how little everyday Americans actually care about it. But that’s why people like me exist; as a Senator, it’s my duty to carry their burden, doesn’t matter how heavy.

Of course, that’s also Liam’s and Carter’s burden. Governor, Mayor, Senator—it really doesn’t matter what they call us, what matters is that we exist to serve. Too bad that everyone has their own definition of service, and that’s exactly why we’re all sharpening knives even though we’re on the same team.

"And here we are," my driver says, looking at me through the rearview mirror. He reaches for the handle of his door, ready to go around the car and open my door, but I just wave him away.

"Don’t worry, Bill," I smile at him, clutching my briefcase to my chest as I open the door. "Have a good evening."

"Likewise, Senator," he responds merrily, changing the radio station to something more to his liking. By the time he settles on a station, I’m already standing on the sidewalk. I turn toward the entrance to my apartment building and I freeze. I have to blink twice in order to make sure that what I’m seeing isn’t a hallucination.

Carter and Liam stand in front of the door to my apartment building, talking in a hushed tone. I walk toward them as fast as I can, a panicky feeling growing inside my heart. These two are prone to share words and fists, and I want to get between them before that happens.

"What’s going on?" I ask them as they turn toward me. Liam has his usual smirk on his lips, but Carter is donning a smile as well. I’m taken aback by their easiness, and I look from one to the other, trying to get an answer to my question.

"Here she is!" Liam says, glancing at Carter. "Right on time."

"We were just talking about you," Carter continues, a serious but carefree expression on his face, if that’s even possible.

"About me? What’s going on, guys?" I repeat, looking from one to the other. They remain in silence, but finally Carter reaches for the building’s door and pushes it back.

"Why don’t we get inside? Before anyone decides to start snapping pictures." I nod, and walk past the two men. They follow after me, still in silence, and I call for the elevator.

"You’re not punching each other, so I guess that’s a good sign," I tell them, leaning against the marble wall as I wait for the elevator.

"Smart as always, Senator," Liam says in a mocking tone, folding his arms over his chest. I open my mouth to respond, but I’m cut short by the sudden ding of the elevator doors; they open and the three of us step inside. I press the button to my floor, and in a couple of seconds, we’re being carried all the way to the top.

"So, what’s this all about?" I start, anxiety making me eager for answers. I look from one to the other, my heart beating fast as I realize I’m all alone with them.

"This… This is about doing the right thing," Carter says, taking one step toward me. I look him in the eyes, not really sure of the meaning behind his words. I turn to Liam, but he simply nods at me, agreeing with Carter.

"And what’s the right thing, Carter? Tell me, because I’m dying to know." Without a single word, he leans into me, slowly closing the distance between our mouths, and presses his lips against mine. I don’t move as he comes for me, my eyelids drooping by instinct. "This is the right thing," he whispers, pulling back from me. I don’t even have the time to think about what’s happening: as Carter pulls back, Liam comes closer and lays his lips against my neck, one hand resting on my waist.

"The right thing," Liam repeats Carter’s words, his lips close to my ear. "You were right, Vivian… It’s different when we’re together." I want to ask them about New Kingston, about the factories and the jobs, but I can’t seem to put the words into a coherent sentence. It seems that politics will have to take a backseat for the time being.

"Are you sure…?" I whisper, looking from one to the other as my pussy grows wet. God, I just want to hold them both and have their bodies pressed against mine… But I have to make sure they know what they’re doing. That we aren’t just digging a bigger hole for ourselves.

"I’ve never been more sure in my entire life," Carter says, leaning into me and kissing my neck. I close my eyes and sigh, the lips of both men caressing the soft skin on my neck.

"We want you, Vivian," Liam whispers, placing his hand over my knee and sliding it upward to the hem of my slim fitting skirt, his fingers moving under the narrow cut. "We want you bad."

"You have no idea how I wanted to hear that," I purr, my eyes still closed as I throw my head back and let both men kiss my neck.

"I think we have a pretty good idea," Carter says, his hand resting on my hip. I’m almost oblivious to the outside word and, if it weren’t for the loud ding of the elevator doors opening, I would just let them take me right here.

They le

t go of me almost immediately, and I step into the hallway, my mind blanketed by a mental fog. My hands are trembling as I reach inside my purse, looking for the keys; cursing under my breath, I finally find them. I try and get the right one inside the keyhole, but excitement is running so high inside my body that all I manage to do is scrape the opening without getting the key inside. Carter places his hand over mine, and steadying my fingers, we get the key in and turn it. The three of us step inside my apartment in a hurry, Liam slamming the door shut behind us.

"Finally," I whisper, turning my attention to the men behind me. The same grin is in their face, almost as if they are thinking of the same. Before I can even blink, they are on me, pressing me against the wall as their mouths fly straight to my neck again. I let go of my briefcase and purse, allowing them to fall on the floor with a dry thump. My hands now free, I run them through their hair, my head thrown back as I sigh heavily.

I’m ready to let them fuck me right here, against the wall, but Carter grabs my hands and guides me down the corridor. We get as far as the living room, and then he pushes me toward the leather couch at the center; I fall back, the leather shifting under my weight.

"I’ve been wasting time," Carter whispers, as much to himself as to me. A smile dawns on my lips, his words are assurance that we’re doing the right thing. Liam is standing next to him, and without taking his eyes off of me he bumps his elbow against Carter’s arm.

"You don’t imagine how much," he says, both their bodies swaying as if they don’t know who has the right of passage. As far as I’m concerned, they can come at me both. My eyes wander down from their faces to their chests, and I let them fall further down until I find their crotches. They’re both hard, the shape of their cocks showing from under the fabric of their pants. Reaching for them, I place my still trembling fingers against their pulsing members, feeling them brimming with desire.

"You told me you wanted to do the right thing," I tell them, raising my eyes. "Let’s do the right thing, then," I purr, trying to make myself clear. Of course, they don’t need innuendo or hints to understand what I’m getting at. After all, they were the ones waiting for me downstairs. And I hold no illusions about the reason they were there… Sure, they might have seen a way to cooperate in the political arena, but the championship trophy in their dispute has always been me. And now they’ve finally realized that we can all win. And that includes me, of course.

"You heard the lady," Liam tells Carter, sitting down next to me. Never taking his eyes off of mine, Carter sits on the other side, his hand going straight to my knee.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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