Executive Engagement - Page 328

“Yes! Yes!” I’m yelling now and I don’t care. I’ve never felt anything quite like this and I don’t want it to stop. My stomach muscles are tense, I feel everything on every inch of my body. The bullet is penetrating me perfectly, hitting that elusive spot over and over.

Now both of my hands are balled into fists gripping the sheets as I pump my pelvis into the pillow, my clit savoring the friction.

“Oh! Oh!” I yell, a bit afraid by what’s going on. It feels like I need to pee, but there’s no way I’m stopping, not when Derrick is watching.

“Derrick,” I call out to him, my body moving just for his pleasure. Envisioning his sex body, and running my fingers over those chiseled abs, pushes me further. My body surges faster, my grip tightening on the luxury linen.

“Oh God!” I yell as my body seems to unravel. It’s an intense release of emotions, my hips slow on their own. I’m full on panting and my sex is clenching down, puckering closed.

Snatching off the nipple clamps a moan bellows out of me, the strong sensation extending that explosion for a few extra moments as my body begins to calm and my legs slightly tremble.

“Oh my,” I breath, my chest rising and falling dramatically as every muscle in my body tenses. Suddenly I feel very cold, unlike just a few seconds prior.

The idea of someone watching doesn’t turn me on now that I’m back in my right mind, instead it embarrasses me. I fall back to the bed, pulling the fluffy comforter up to my chin as I scramble to stuff the toys in the box they came from, deciding to delay cleaning the bullet. I can’t stand to look at that sinful gift right now.

Feeling a wetness against my thigh, I jump in horror before investigating. It’s the pillow, and there’s a puddle of my juices. I did that?

What if Derrick did see me behave in such a way? Then he would for sure think I’m not Alicia, because she would never do that. Not the Alicia he knew when we were kids or the grown one that lays in this bed mortified now. No, Alicia is the good girl, who never has a clue as to what the bad kids are doing.

Obviously Jake figured that out, able to bang my roommate for our entire relationship, right under my nose, because I would never even expect such a thing. Hell, I had caught them red-handed and still thought it must be some sort of mistake. It was probably him that trashed my room. Could he do that?

It doesn’t matter now. Derrick will figure it out and get to the bottom of it. Maybe I should just leave the apartment, especially considering I no longer have a roommate. What was that whole ordeal with Jenna about anyway? Today has just been the strangest day of my life. Or maybe this is just the strangest week.

I’ve finally got the break I wanted in my career, but not before becoming a stripper, reuniting with the boy that made my childhood hell, only he doesn’t know it’s me, since I’m pretending to be Misty, no Daphne, all while really trying to get him to confess his secrets to me so I can share them with the world. Oh, and I just climaxed on a pillow. Who the fuck am I?

I sure hope you’re keeping up with all of this, because I’m living it and I’m confused. My whole life seems jumbled up into a box like puzzle pieces, scattered. I don’t know how I’m going to be able to maintain all these roles for an extended period of time. Nothing seems to make sense anymore, but maybe I should just stop overthinking everything like I always tend to do. My mother would tell me to enjoy the ride, and that’s what I’m going to do. Besides, I just had a pretty good experience riding a pillow into oblivion, so maybe that’s a sign. My eyes are growing heavy, so I take a deep breath and sink into the cloud like bed.

I wake up and I think it's several hours later. But I look out the window and realize that it’s no longer night. I must have passed out into the next morning. The sun is shining and I hear Derrick coming down the hallway.

Oh shit! My door is open! I'm naked! I jump out of bed and manage to close the door right as he walks up past my room.

"Good morning to you too, love," he says walking up to my room.

I breathe a loud exhale of relief that he didn't see me. Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be if he caught me naked with nipple clamps and a vibrator next to me?


"Derrick!" I yell at him. "What are you doing here?"

He laughs. "I live here, love," he says and I roll my eyes. "What are you doing up so early?"

I look at the clock. It just turned 6 am.

"I'm...I'm going to go for a run," I say shakily. I'm not sure why I'm explaining anything to him.

All I can think about was last night. God, last night was fantastic. I can't believe he got me that. I can't believe I actually used it. I can't believe him. He's supposed to be an asshole. He's supposed to be this huge dick. Then why is he behaving like this?

I should probably start getting ready to make sure he sees that I'm pretty normal this morning. That I didn't pass out from masturbating.

Masturbating to thoughts of him.

Wait, I freeze. I only have one nipple clamp on. Where's the other one? I look around frantically. I can't seem to find it.

"Looks like you had a good time last night as well," Derrick says, and I can just imagine a smirk on his face.


Oh, no!

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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