Boardroom Bride - Page 149

Holly-Anne looks up from where she’s scrolling through her social media pages on her phone. “Hmm?”

I throw a pillow at her—playfully, of course, because I’m getting wicked strong. “Two fucking months!”


Holly-Anne gives me a vacant expression. I roll my eyes, strutting over to her with sexy swagger…you know, since I have some of that flare to give out now.

“Since I agreed to be the poster girl for Protein Plus. Duh.”

“Well, at least your boyfriends have been working your ego.” Holly-Anne sticks her tongue out at me, and I hit her with another pillow. This one gets her right in the kisser—and when she throws it back at me, I dodge it with ease.

“I’m allowed to have an ego,” I purr, bounding over and flopping down on the couch next to her. “I’ve been working my ass off, y’know? And I feel amazing.”

“Off? More like on. I saw how you filled out that tight little mini-skirt last weekend.” Holly-Anne scrutinizes me up and down and gives me an approving thumbs-up. “Kara, babe, you are hot.”

I take deep breath and pop back up off the couch. It’s like I can’t sit still. Instead, I look at myself in the mirror.

“I know. The ugly duckling becomes the swan after all. It’s not just a fairy tale.”

“Oh, fuck off. You were never an ugly duckling to begin with—more like a hot swan that’s transformed into an even hotter swan. Besides, it’s better than a fairy tale,” Holly-Anne admits. “Fairy tale princesses only get one prince. Your sexy ass has bagged two.”

I toss a knock-on-wood look over my shoulder at her, narrowing my eyes. “They’re not my princes—they’re my business partners.”

Holly-Anne rolls her eyes and shrugs. Her voice is dripping with smug sarcasm. “Right, babe—I like to exchange passionate tonsil-licking sessions with my business partners, too.”

My phone chimes, a cheerful ring that’s been happening more and more frequently lately. My notifications have been blowing up these days with people following me on social media, commenting on my pictures and statuses, and liking my every share.

I don’t want to let it get to my head, but it’s kind of fucking cool. I feel so fucking…I don’t know...validated? It’s reassuring to see how well received I’m becoming out there in what used to be a very cruel and relentless world.

It’s true, my confidence level is soaring through the fucking roof. Chase and Eric probably deserve most of the credit. I’m just the framework—and now that they’ve spiffed me up, the remodeled version looks mighty damn fine, if I do say so myself.

“I have to admit something,” I say with a seductive tone and a bite to my bottom lip.

Holly-Anne tosses her phone on the couch beside her. I have her full and total undivided attention now. Holly-Anne loves a good dishing and gossip session…a girl after my own heart.

“You’re pregnant,” Holly-Anne jokes accusingly.

“Not yet I’m not,” I giggle. “But Chase and Eric…they really do keep me busy. You know, I’m talking in and out of the gym.”

Holly-Anne claps her hands as if to say bravo and sing me glorious praises. “And sometimes in-and-out at the gym, right?”

I purse my lips and avoid her gaze, but the fucking grin on my face gives me away in an instant.

“You glorious fucking bitch,” Holly-Anne says, her voice full of awe.

“They’ve taught me all kinds of positions…if you know what I mean,” I say with a wink.

“Oh, I’m sure you’ve been doing plenty of heavy lifting,” Holly-Anne winks back.

All jokes aside, I’m doing my best?I swear I am! ?to fend off these guys and keep them at bay. I mean, it’s like I have to fight them off with a stick or something. They want me as badly as I want them, but I want it to stay strictly what it is for now…fun with no strings attached.

Getting into a relationship will be too tricky, and I’m not there emotionally, not yet.

If we can keep things the way they are—casual sex and orgasms galore—that will suit us all much better than if we start to throw in emotions. No, that gets too sticky and complicated—something I’m not looking for at all.

I need to focus on my new career and soaring to new heights. I’ve built this foundation for myself from the ground up, and I’ve come too far to fuck it up by falling in love with a guy…or in this case, two fucking guys.

Who knew a couple of months ago I’d be in this position? Not my skinny ass. Although, Holly-Anne is right—with Chase and Eric’s workouts, my ass is getting nice and round. I’m loving every minute of it and just taking it all in stride.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024