Boardroom Bride - Page 536

I tilt my hips and grind my clit against him. Finn lifts me up and slams me down again. So hard. So good. We fuck each other with abandon, letting our bodies rule. As we give each other everything, biting and clawing and fucking like we can’t get enough, I feel my orgasm building. Stronger than the last one that took me over from out of nowhere.

“I’m about to cum,” I say.

Finn reaches down and flicks my clit with his thumb, and I careen right over the edge, clamping down on his cock as I cum. So hard.

A strangled moan escapes his lips as he swells up inside me, throbbing as he releases his own pleasure in hot jets.

Collapsing on his chest, my hair splayed out everywhere, I try to catch my breath. My heart thunders against his while he traces his fingers up and down my spine.

Finally, I push back up and look at him, biting my lip. “Now what?”

He arches his brow. “Ready to go again so soon?”

That’s not what I mean, but I’m surprised to find that I am. I feel like I could do this forever and it still wouldn’t be enough.

He smirks as if he knows what I’m thinking. “Yeah, me too.”

I grin back. “Good thing. I don’t think you realized just what you were getting into tonight. I’m insatiable,” I wink teasingly.

“I think I knew exactly what I was getting. And it’s even better than I expected.”

He pulls me back down to kiss me, slowly this time. It’s even better than I expected too. And when we finally make it to the bed and do it all over again, it’s even better than before. And even better the next time. And the next. And the next.

Tatum & Evan


“Oh my god, Tatum, do you see that?”

“What?” I turn in my seat, trying to see what my best friend Ana is gawking at.

“That’s Finn Turner sitting over there. He is so hot. I’d totally do him.”

I roll my eyes. “I’m sure you would, Ana.” It’s no secret that Ana loves sex. I’m just not sure I can get down with how casually she treats it. She says that’s because I don’t know what I’m missing.

But she’s not wrong about Finn Turner. He’s super hot…and currently lip-locked with a blonde with killer purple streaks. I finger my own pink in my nearly black hair. Maybe I should try purple next time.

“You zoned out again, Tatum,” she gripes.

“Sorry. Sorry. Go ahead. I’m listening.” Though I’d rather not be. I take a bite of my cheesecake and try to focus on her talking about her new professor who she also said she would totally do.

I love her, but I swear she has a one-track mind. I smile and nod at all the appropriate times, downing bite after bite of dessert to keep from having to respond with what I think she should do about trying to seduce him. A terrible idea. Obviously. But there’s no point in telling Ana that because she’s going to do what she wants regardless.

I wonder what that would be like. To make a decision based entirely on how you feel at any given moment. It takes me months just to decide what color I want my hair. And even that breaks me out in hives sometimes. I’m definitely not a living-in-the-moment kind of girl. Losing my virginity was even a planned moment.

“Hello, you did it again.” Ana gives me an exasperated look, waving her hand in front of my face. “Where did you go off to this time?”

“Sorry,” I mumble again. “Professor Mason, is it?”

Ana rolls her eyes. “Catch up, Tatum. I just asked you if you’re busy tomorrow night.”

“Why?” I ask her, narrowing my eyes. There is no telling what she wants to drag me along to. I learned the hard way that I need all the deets up front.

She smiles like she has the best secret in the world. “I may or may not have scored some backstage passes to the Gravity concert tomorrow.”

“Shut the fuck up,” I say, dropping my fork. Then I look around in embarrassment when I realize how loud I was. More than one person is looking my way after that outburst.

“Oh my god, Ana. How?”

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024