Boardroom Bride - Page 82

“Oh, I am. I’m talking about the recording I just made of every word that came out of your mouth since we were in the coffee shop.” I lower my phone, watching the realization slowly dawn on Jackson’s face. “My official response to the proposal is a polite no, thank you. That’s from me—but I also have a message from the Fearless Girl to deliver.”

With that, I flip my nearly full, large cup of coffee directly at Jackson’s fucking chest.

Jackson still has that same stunned, half-aware expression, as the tourists start snapping pictures and I walk away.

Chapter 29


The aroma emanating from the small opening on top of the lid is almost sickening as Tanner offers a recycled-paper coffee cup to me, filled with a hazelnut roast with cream and sugar.

As much as I love coffee, I can’t consciously put it into my body in my current state. And trust me, I want it. I’m exhausted all the time and could really use the pick-me-up.

But something about knowing that a life is growing inside you puts you in a kind of less selfish state. I’ve become so much more self-aware since I found out, to the point where I’m weirding myself out.

“No, thank you,” I let out. “I’m good with just water,” I explain, pointing to my purse.

“Oh, okay I guess,” he replies. “Are you feeling alright?”

Clearly, I’m weirding Tanner out as well. Spectacular.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I assure him.

“Alright, then,” he responds sharply, taking a sip of his own coffee just seconds later.

I stare at his face and watch his Adam’s apple move as he swallows the succulent bean water. Fuck him.

“Well, here. Let’s go to Angela’s. It’s just up the street, so why not, right?” he says.

He’s being incredibly nice to me this morning.

I’m not complaining, albeit, I’m a bit thrown off. I’m so accustomed to having some quick reply ready to fire at him, and I haven’t needed one so far.

I’m beginning to wonder if he’s feeling alright himself.

The sound of footsteps along the pavement and the wind between the people on the crowded street whipping through serve as the soundtrack to our walk to the bakery.

I’ve been going to Angela’s for as long as I’ve lived here. They make everything from scratch every morning.

As we approach the building, Tanner even grips the door handle before I can reach it and pulls, holding the door open for me as I enter the quaint little shop. I give him an intense, very confused look.

He’s being too nice. I’ve never seen him go out of his way so hard to not piss me off. I take a deep breath, and as I exhale, I realize that I need to have my guard up today.

“Hello there, Ms. Elsa! What can I get for you today?” a familiar voice asks.

Angela really is just the sweetest soul.

“Good morning, Angela. Nothing crazy today. Just an everything bagel, please. Tanner, did you want anything?”

“No, I’m good. Thanks.”

“Alright, baby. It’ll be at the counter when you go pay. Thank you!”

“No, thank you, Angela,” I respond as I pull a few dollars out of my purse and set it on the counter.

I snag my bagel and sink into it as we start our walk out of the bakery.

We walk quietly together, hands linked. There’s a subtle tranquility to it. One that only exists when you’re not talking about it.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024