Stories From The 6 Train - Page 291

And then you have the Finance and Human Resources people sitting on the 60th floor, admiring the views.

Because Wall Street views them as more expendable than the executives.

It sucks, huh? Everything about this industry is based on how much value you have.

I mean, look at Mason's office.

He's got a bathroom and a shower in here I notice as I walk in. I make sure to close the door behind me. This conversation is not for public consumption.

He looks up at me.

"The door was open," I say, all of a sudden a bit nervous. Just because we have sex in private doesn't mean I should parade myself around in public like this. What if he was in a meeting?

But he seems genuinely interested to see me.

"What's up?" he says, leaning back in his leather chair.

I take a moment to look at the man.

Tall, fit, strong, muscular. Everything I could ever want.

Is it possible to fall in love with your stepdad?

He's at a solid oak desk, the kind where the front of the desk has a board going across the back so you can't actually see his feet or the space underneath the desk.

God, I must still be so horny from before because a part of me wants to forget about what's on the tablet and just crawl under and....

"Becca?" Mason asks, and I can see he's trying to be patient. But he's also had a long day. He's working. He's trying to stay one step ahead of his wife—my mother.

I walk over and hand him the tablet.

"This is a screenshot of people engaged by Red Lion Aviation in the last year," I tell him. "Look at the fifth name from the bottom."

He looks at the tablet and freezes.

Oh right. I forgot to tell you the name.

I'll tell you later, okay?

Because right now Mason's looking at me, and asking, "Where did you get this?"

I shrug. "Standard SEC filings," I tell him. "It's open to the public. You just gotta know where to look."

Mason shakes his head.

"I have four fucking VPs trying to find something...anything, and they've come up short," he says with disgust. "And you weren't even assigned to this."

"You just gotta know where to look," I say, trying not to blush at his offhanded compliment. "I have an u

lterior motive."

"What's that?" Mason asks me with the beginnings of a smile.

I smile as I walk over.

"I want to see Daddy happy," I say with a mischievous smile of my own.

"Well, listen, Becca," Mason says to me. "Talk to my admin if you need to, but can you please keep digging on this path? Go explore this angle. I need someone that Lorna isn't going to keep tabs on and you're perfect."

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024