Blessed - Page 169

"Now, with everything that Bad Boy Publishing is already locked into doing, a sale for Huge Cock is going to mean a sale for Big Dick. And that means…" I trail off, letting her put the pieces together.

"That means that I’m not a small fry anymore," she says slowly, realization washing over her.

"Aidan, do you know what this mean?" she asks me, and her eyes are wide. "With that amount of money, I could probably start my own publishing company. Maybe take on a few authors. Co-write on a few pen names. Have better artwork…" she trails off.

I look around. People are looking at us. They’re fucking enraptured. Literally, in this order this is what they’re doing. They’re getting the book that they pre-ordered. They’re reading the back. Reading the dedication. Going over to Abby’s little rinky-dink booth and buying a copy of Big Dick or going to the storefront to buy it. And then looking up at the two of us talking on stage.

They’ve almost begun to see how this plays out as part of the book itself.

"Aidan, this means…" Abby trails off. Tears are coming down her eyes.

"It means we’re free, baby girl," I tell her, using my fingers to brush her tears. "We’re free of everyone and everything. Only for each other. No one else."

She wraps her arms around me. "You coulda told me," she mumbles into my chest.

"No, babe, I couldn’t," I tell her. It’s true. I realize that now. "I would never have been able to. Because I realize that I…I love you."

She’s silent for a long moment and then she pulls back from me. Her eyes have the mark of tears but they’re no longer falling.

"I love you too, Aidan," she says to me and buries her face in my chest again. I squeeze my arms around her. "So so much, oh my God."

I smile. I mean, wouldn’t you?

This girl basically rescued me. You saw what I was like before this. You see me now.

If it weren’t for Abby Cleveland, I’d be nowhere.

"Although, I’ll probably have to start writing under a new pen name if we’re going to do a publishing company," Abby says into my chest and I wonder if it’s bad fucking form to tell a girl to speak up after you told her you loved them.

"What usually happens now in the romance novels you write, babe?" I ask Abby.

She looks at me and a lascivious smile lights up her face and I go fucking weak in the knees as my cock wakes up and my brain forgets about everyone around me in the convention center.

"In the romance novels I write," she says to me with a wicked gleam in her eye. "We get to go have a nasty but sweet long…fuck."



Forget all about going home. The moment I felt Aidan’s arms wrapped around me, I knew we wouldn’t survive a ride back to his place. So we did the only logical thing we could do—we got out of the convention center as fast as we could, crossed the street, and booked a room in the nearest hotel.

All in all, it took us ten minutes.

Right now, we’re inside one of the hotel’s elevators, waiting as it climbs lazily toward the floor where our room is.

"Fuck, I missed you," Aidan says, his deep voice making my heart race faster.

"I missed you too," I reply, looking into his eyes with a smile, and God, it feels good to be smiling again. After all this time of pure misery and despair, I thought I’d never be able to genuinely smile ever again. And it feels amazing to be proven wrong.

Placing both of his hands on my hips, Aidan pushes my body against the elevator wall, pinning me there. He just stares into my eyes, his body pressed against mine, and I’m the one closing the distance between our mouths. My eyelids droop as I feel his fleshy lips on mine, and I linger there, wanting this kiss to go on forever.

I part his lips with my tongue, and then move it slowly inside his mouth. Our tongues dance softly around each other, and Aidan lets his hands slide down from my waist and over the curve of my ass. Squeezing both my cheeks, he pulls me into him, his kiss growing wild and fierce.

"I love you so fucking much," he tells me as we come up for air, his words the most genuine thing I've ever heard.

"I love you too," I repeat, smiling as I feel the words rolling over my lips. It feels good to say it—no, it feels liberating. I wanted to say it for so long and I couldn’t; the words seemed to hang around my neck like a chain, and now that I’ve set them free I feel so much lighter.

"I can see that," he whispers, sliding one hand under the hemline of my dress and flattening its palm between my thighs. I gasp as he presses hard against my pussy, the wet fabric of my thong sticking to his fingers. "There’s a lot of love in here, that’s for sure."

Tags: Alexis Angel Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024